Assassins aren't supposed to be pretty Part 1

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Marrinettte watched through the large butterfly window that her father had placed in this room. She watched as a flock of birds flew past, clouds lazily crossing the sky. She sighed to herself, wondering when her father would return. She never got to see almost anyone else so she eagerly awaited his return each day. She heard the metal elevator open from across the grand room and jumped from a ledge she had been perched upon. She quickly raced to the elevator excited to finally see her father, but it was only his black and red haired assistant. Marinette did see her occasionally, but didn't take the time to learn the woman's name.

"Hello Marinette, your father will not be able to visit you today. He has a very important meeting to attend to," the woman said.

Marinette's smile quickly vanished and her normal frown reappeared.

"Oh, thank you. You are dismissed."

The lady soon retreated back into the elevator, and the doors closed, locking Marinette of from human interaction. Marinette turned around and went back to her ledge. Marinette felt tears brimming up in her eyes. It was her 15th birthday, why wasn't her father here? She scolded herself, the great ladybug, crying over not celebrating her birthday with her father. She sighed and jumped from the ledge. She should train a little before she would cook her dinner, eat a slice of self made birthday cake, and go to bed.

***Time skip to an hour or so later, brought to you by Plagg, and me being lazy***

Marinette blew out the candles on the cake. She watched as each one flickered out, just like her dreams. She had once been a very sweet girl, she had wanted to be a fashion designer, get married, have a family with three kids, a dog, and HAMSTERS, she really wanted hamsters. Her dreams had changed since then, all she wanted to do was make her dad proud. Marinette smiled a fake smile and watched the candles wax drip onto the white frosting, staining it a blood red. The seen calmed her anger at her father not being their for her birthday. Suddenly she heard her phone buzz. She jumped up and raced to her little flip-phone that only held one contact, her father.

She got a text that read, "I have a job for you"

She grinned evilly and called Tikki.

"Y-yes Mari?," the scared little Kwamii called. Tikki loved the sweet girl, but she scared her as well. It was very rare that her holder was evil after all.

"We have a mission".

Hi, so I hope you are liking this book, I know I haven't been able to update regularly because of finals and life. I believe however, that during the summer I will update more and put out a new book. I think, according to my scheduled, I will update this book on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also what are your suggestions for this book? Also, what are you all doing for the really hot 3 months of no hell! I am leaving the hottest place on earth luckily and spending my summer at the beach!

Have a miraculous day, and have a miraculous summer! (please tell me if I am spelling miraculous right).

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