The Start of a new life

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Izuku Midoryia was walking down the sidewalk to the train station to get to his favorite school. While walking Izuku couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. A little while after walking however Izuku heard a scream and as he turned around to see what happened, "WHACK!" Then everything turned to darkness.

Izuku woke up in a very unfamiliar place, surrounding him was his worst nightmares. On his left was Dabi, the patchworked fire user. On his right was kurogiri, the misty bartender. What feared Izuku most was the man in front of him, Shigaraki, their leader. "Oh Izuku Midoryia, you really should be use to being snuck up on. Heh HA HA HA! Well enjoy that chair you'll be here a while now." Mocked Shigaraki. As the Three men started to leave the room Izuku noticed the girl behind them.

"Hey you alright?" she asked. This is Himiko Toga Izuku realized, the same one who attacked him and his friends in the forest.

"Yeah." Izuku replied. " Why does she care?" He thought.

"Why don't I like him being hurt, I usually love blood?" Toga asked herself. "Well since we are going to be here a while how about we just talk, not about anything that can be used against you  if you aren't comfortable." So that's what they did, after sometime Izuku realized he had a friend here after all, and opened up to her little by little. After sometime Dabi came back into the room.

"Toga your shift is over."

"Ok, bye Midoryia." She said as she left.

"She really likes you, you know?" Says Dabi," and by that blush I'd say you like her. Don't worry we aren't like the others me and her are her because we have no where else to go."

"I never realized." That was all Izuku could manage to say.

"Yeah not many do."


Toga was walking toward her room when she heard the villains talking about Izuku.

"So what are we gonna do with him eh?" asked one.

"Torture,  then kill him." That was Shigaraki's reply.

Toga quickly rushed back to Dabi and Izuku. "Dabi we have to get him out of here!"

"What!? Why!?" Asked Dabi.

"Dabi, please, they are going to kill him, for me..." Pleaded Toga.

"Ok fine." replied Dabi breaking Izuku's chains that binded him to the chair. "GO! I'll stall."

"They will kill come with us." asked Izuku.

"No, i'm going down alright, but i'm going down in flames."

With that Izuku and Toga ran out of the building and into the streets outside the villain's new base.

"We have to make it to my school it's right over there."

"Ok let's go but first." As izuku turned around Toga grabbed him and kissed him.

"Sorry," she said as they split apart, "wanted to do that for a while." but before she could even turn around Izuku kissed her again.

"Me too." As they were standing there thou the building of the villains started to burn. "Time to go."

"Yep" With that the two began running  to U.A. Once they got there though Toga stopped. "Ah, Izuku, aren't you forgetting something? Like the fact I'm a villain?"

"One, not anymore two, you helped me escape so there is something there, and three they all trust me so I'll vouch for you." Replied Izuku.

"Young Midoryia!" Yelled All Might. "Back away from him villain!" Shouted All Might.

"Wait All Might!" Shouted Izuku. All Might then stopped mid punch.

"Why, young Midoryia!?"

"Because she isn't a villain."

"Yes she is, she attacked us at camp!" said Ochako as she came out with the rest of the school.

"No, I mean she helped get me out of there base, at the cost of Dabi sacrificing himself for our escape." Said Izuku sadly.

"Well, while I already have a plan for young Toga, we need to get you two to the infirmary." Said Nezu the principal. While the school helped carry Izuku, Toga only got stares, non good. It was Manageable until Mineta had to say something.

"Midoryia why is there lipstick smeared on your face?" Asked poor poor Mineta.

"Shut up!" Midoryia exclaimed, hitting Mineta with a 1% smash to the back of his head.

"Midoryia explain." said All Might. 

"Ah well me and kinda kissed, a few times."  Toga said Quietly.

"What?!" yelled everyone.

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