Chapter 13: the devil took your memory

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"What?" James looked thoroughly confused,

"James please now's not the time for joking, please tell me what happened"

"Severus, I don't know, I'm not joking trust me, I would never go to the lengths of killing you, please tell me what happened?"

"Lily and I were in the three broomsticks the night after we graduated, she was dancing and I was sitting at a table, I saw a guy with a hooded cloak walk in and it turns out it was you, you threatened to kill me and then you tried to obliviate lily so she would forget me, so I cast sectumsempera on you and we both left"

"How can I not remember any of that?"

"Let's start from the beginning, where do you remember being that night?"

"Well well all dropped off our thing at home then we apparated to hogsmeade, Sirius and Remus had gone up to the castle to discuss options for remus's lycanthropy and peter was with me. We were sat outside honeydukes, he offered me an acid pop and after that the memory goes foggy and I can't hear anything it's it's" he struggled to get words out.

"James I'm no expert but I think I know what's going on"


"It's one of two things, it's either a self tampered memory, which is highly unlikely because in a tampered memory you would be able to hear something, or it could be that you were put under the imperious curse or potion"

"But no one was there to put the curse on me and the ministry would be immediately notified"

"Ahh but potions are unidentifiable"

"But, but how?"

"You ate an acid pop that Peter gave you, Peter the alleged death eater"

"No he couldn't have"

"Look this is the only lead we have"

"But why would Peter do such a thing"

"Being quiet and just observing people is one of my best assets, during school You four would always hang out but Peter was the one lagging behind, every time he was going to say something one of you would cut in, he must have felt left out or that he couldn't share anything with you guys"

" I didn't see it that way, but why would he do it?"

"I think he liked lily, in a romantic way, after you openly started to woo lily, he might've held back because he didn't want to be rejected"

"How Do you know this?"

Severus shuffles uncomfortably in his seat and didn't meet eyes with James,

"You used legillimency didn't you" James said in an accusing tone

"I didn't mean to, he was sat in the library looking miserable, I felt bad for him because he was the underdog so I had a peruse around his mind"

"We can't just convict Peter by ourselves we don't have any evidence that he did, I'm going to get Sirius and Remus"

5 minutes later he came back with a worried looking Remus and a chilled out looking Sirius.

"Hey snape" Remus said sheepishly

"Hello lupin And black"

"We're sorry" they blurted out

"For what?"

"For bullying you"

"But you didn't do anything it was all James"

"Can we at least start over?"

"Sure, I'm Severus, but you can call me sev"

"I'm Sirius"

"I'm Remus"

"Now we've got the formalities out of the way" James huffed, "we can get down to business, the night after we graduated I threatened to kill Severus and obliviate lily"

The newcomers gasped,

"But" James continued, " every time I try to remember the memory goes foggy and I can't hear anything, Severus concluded that it might be and imperius potion because it's untraceable"

"I reckon" sev took over, "it was Peter who poisoned him"

They both gasped, "It couldn't have been Peter" Sirius screamed,

"Let him finish you thick fool" James shouted,

"Okay you know how Peter was acting distant and weird, we think he might be a death eater, you may not want to believe me but the way he was always hanging out in the Slytherin common room with the dark crowd made me suspicious"

"But we believe that the attack on me wasn't for dark reasons, we think it was because Peter liked lily"

Remus has stayed quiet the whole conversation and after mulling over his thoughts for a few seconds he spoke,

"Actually that is feasible, I remember Peter mentioning something about liking someone and the fact that he would use you as a puppet makes sense as you were already public ally interested in lily"

"The question is how did he get an imperius potion and a strong one as well?" James asked,

"Actually in the entire of England there are only three known brewers that can make an imperius potion, each have their own secret recipe"

"That's it's, we can use the potion to track who made the potion an ask them if Peter bought a potion" Remus said logically

"Yeah but we don't have any traces of the potion left" Sirius commented

"Ahah that is where you are wrong Sirius because imperius potions stay on the drinkers blood for six months after consumption"

"So we can test James's blood!"


A flustered lily approached the table with a look of worry on her face after noticing James and Sirius at the table her face turned into a scowl,

"Sev what are you doing with potthead and muttbreath" she spat out their names with so much venom, "rems how are you?" She greeted Remus with a hug.

Severus, James, Sirius and Remus bringing lily up to speed on what they were discussing, in the end lily became friends with the two boys,

"I'm really sorry in the way I treated you and I would like to start again" Lilly said

"Hi lily I'm James"

"I'm Sirius"

"I'm lily"

"Back to the situation" Severus said steering the conversion back, "we need to test James's blood"

"Where do we do it?" Sirius enquired

"My bedroom is a potions lab so I can do there" Severus replied

"We'll meet there Tomorrow morning"

"Okay that's fine, how will you get there, I'll give you the address" Lily said

"We'll walk and we know where you live" Sirius smirked

"Lily for someone who nearly got into Ravenclaw you are very unobservant"


"They live next door to us!" Sev exclaimed


"We'll see you tomorrow then" the boys says as they got up to leave


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