Old Commercials

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Courtney's POV

We went home after I got my new suit. We went to bed because we were all tired.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so every day with my parents we would watch their old superhero commercials, it was funny.
They had Theme songs to. I would listen to them all the time.

When I woke up I asked Helen "Helen can we watch your old commercials if you have them "she looked at me with a funny face and asked"why do you want to do that" my smile faded and I said "me and my parents would always watch their old commercials on Saturdays". Helen saw my and quickly said "yes why don't you go get Dash and Vi up and we can watch them all together okay" she said panicked, my smile came to my face again and I said "okay".

Since I mimicked their powers and ran super fast to Vi and Dash. When I got to Vi she was still asleep and I shook her awake and said "Vi Vi Vi come on get me up we get to watch old superhero commercials hurry get up" she started to stir and opened her eyes and smiled she said "okay okay I'm up" and I ran to Dashes room.

Dash was still asleep so I jumped on him and said "Dash Dash Dash get up we get to watch old superhero commercials come on " he smiled like Vi did and got up.

He looked at me and yawned he slowly got up and I said "for a boy who can run super fast your slow" and he gave me a funny look. And I ran super fast out of his room.

When I got down stairs Vi, Helen, and Bob were down stairs and soon dash came up behind me and I screamed a little Dash said " Sorry "and Helen then said "what one do you want to watch "I smiled and I said "your theme song " she smiled and said "do you want to sing it with me " I nodded and she played it.

"Here comes Elastigirl stretching arms,


No one's beyond her reach,


The music kicked in and we had are big solos with breaking it down.

"Here comes Elastigirl,

Stretching her arms,


No one's beyond her reach"

We held the note after for a little bit and we finished with "Elastigirl " and we turned to each other and laughed.

The others were amazed on how we knew all of the words to the song.

And I said "Don't  worry Mr. Incredible is next" Bob's smile disappeared and I smiled.

Dash and Vi were smiling so was Helen. We hit play and I started

"Mr. Incredible, Incredible, Incredible catching the bad guys pow pow pow" and it continued until Bob joined in.

"Pow pow pow"
And we smiled and then after that my moms theme song on.

"Ms. Electric fighting the bad guys with zap, zap,zap." Helen was about to turn it off when I said "no please don't" the song continues

"She defeats them with a shock, boom zap,

It Ms. Electic" I then said "wait what about dad " Helen found Dads.

"Mr. Burn comes with the heat and blows,

Mr. Burn with the fire hands,

As he hears up fire comes to his hair,

Mr. Burn is on fire" I sighed and then a person comes on the screen and said " Mimic I'm coming you to Incredibles but mainly Mimic" and me and Helen both said "screenslaver" Helen looked at me and said "how do you know him"  i said "mom and dad told me about him he is their worst enemy " she nodded and said to us "get your suits on now" we all got up and changed.

I put on my matching suit, and me and Vi ran down stairs.

When we got outside I stretched my arms and jumped into the air and started to fly. I got knocked out of the sky by something and I didn't have enough time to put a force field around myself just then Helen came and Got me.

I looked up in the sky and saw a supervillain and she said "well well well Mimic long time no see " and I was shocked because I knew her she was my aunt who didn't want to be a supersuperhero she has illusions for her powers.

I said "Aunt shelby it has been a long time " she laughed and said "so you have a new family I never did like your mother" at this point we were circling each other and I had my fists clenched and The Incredibles were confused.

"So your name is Mimic I knew you were special "as she came up to me and touched my face, "what do you want " she laughed and said "you know me so well " I scoffed and and she said " I want you to be my sidekick " and I said "I'm not intrested " and she smiled say "I wasn't asking"and she then held up a ruby.

And I began to fall, and then Vi came up behind her and round house kicked her. She dropped the Ruby Vi through the Ruby somewhere in the ditch. Vi put a force field around us.

And I started to run over back to Bob, Helen, and Dash then Aunt Shelby said "you little twerp get over here so I can give you a chance to rule the world " I then said "if I do this will you leave them alone" she smirked and said "if course I will "I sighed and said "you will never hurt them and if you do I will break every bone in your body"she smiled and said "okay "I sighed and said "can I have a minute with them alone".

She nodded and I took them over to a private place and they began to say"you cant go with her she will kill you" and I smirked and said "I'm not going to go with her I'm going to send an illusion in my place so we have time" they smiled and I said "you have to walk with the illusion though "they nodded and left.....

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