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Teagans POV:

I walk down the hallway with all of my "friends". Everyone knew who I was, they know not to get in my way.

I look over to my left and see the losers. I look over at Eddie to see that he has a cast on one of his arms.

I smirk and walk over to him. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and my friends. The losers were so into their conversation that they didn't see me come up to them.

Richie is the first one to notice me, his eyes widened and he elbows ,bill I think in the stomach, bringing all the attention to me.

"Your friends didn't care about you enough to sign it?" I say, eyeing his cast.

"Didn't want it to get dirty" he replies.

" Sharpie" I say looking at the group behind me. They all fumble around until someone reaches out and hands me a sharpie.

" i'll sign it" I say, everyone looks at me in shock, but they don't know what I'm about to do.

I started to write. Eddie had a small smile on his face but he was trying to hide it.

I look up from his cast , smiling at what I wrote. When Eddie see what I wrote his face drops and his eyes water. I laugh and walk away.

I can't ignore the pit in my stomach telling me that what I did was wrong. Usually I wouldn't feel bad. But I do , and that makes me mad. Eddie hasn't actually done anything wrong to me, but the fact that I feel bad for him only makes me bully him more.

Because NO ONE can EVER know that I care about Eddie Kaspbrak. I mean it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. I just feel bad, and I'm not supposed to feel bad because, I, Teagan Reyes, don't care about people's feelings.

Bills POV:

I look over at Eddie with a sympathetic look on my face. He shrugs and runs to the bathroom, obviously so that people don't see him cry.

I have always felt bad for Eddie. Teagan used to be nice to him when we were in Elementary school, but then she left for a year before middle school. When she came back she had new friends and a new reputation.

Poor Eddie has been in love with her since kindergarten when she told him that his fear of germs was kind of cute. Now she makes fun of him for it.

I sigh.

"how sad is that, the girl that Eddie is in love with, just wrote loser on his cast" Richie says. For once he doesn't make a joke.

Eddie comes out of the bathroom and we all walk to class , none of us say anything.

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