Season 1 Episode 11 - Broad Daylight

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Skyler walks into her house along with Walter and Holly who is in a car seat and Skyler exhales in relief "So good to get out of that hospital" and Walter says "Home sweet home Sweetie". Skyler looks around the house and asks "Where's Junior and Scar?" Walter places his hand on Skyler's back "Well Scarlett is at her house and she said she'll pop around later she said she had some news of her own and Juniors at a friends house" and Skyler nods.

Scarlett looks at Scott who is sitting on the sofa in a trance and she sighs and walks over to him and puts down the cup of coffee on the coffee table an she says "I made you a coffee" and Scott stares in a trance. Scarlett rubs her forehead when Badger walks in "Hey Scar" Scarlett glances to Badger and says "Hey Badge" and she looks back to Scott and snaps her fingers in front of his face but Scott doesn't move and she places her hands on her hips and says "Nothing huh?". Badger approaches Scarlett and asks "What's going on?" Scarlett nods her head towards the kitchen. Scarlett and Badger enter the kitchen and Badger says "Yo, what's with all the secrecy dude?" Scarlett says in a low voice "We caught Jane giving this dude a blowjob" Badger laughs "A Blowjob?!" Scarlett slaps his arm and says "Shut up Dipshit!" Badger rubs his arm "Ow I'm just asking, Do you know I've not had a Bj in a month" Scarlett's eyes widen "Badge I love ya but I don't need to know about your sex all" Badger smiles "Sorry, sometimes I forget you ain't a dude" and Scarlett laughs. "Badge maybe you can talk to him, you know guy to guy" Badger grimaces "Aw I don't know I mean Scott and me we ain't close" Scarlett smirks "Let me remind you Stacey Marshall" and Badger's face falls and he says "You promised you wouldn't mention her again" Scarlett arches her eyebrow and Badger says "Alright fine".

Badger walks into the living room and he sits beside Scott "Hey man" Scarlett walks in and looks at her two friends. Scott stares in a trance Badger scratches his head uneasily "Who do you thinks better Yoda? Or Darth Vader?" Scarlett palms her forehead.

Jesse is outside his house when a black van pulls up and five men with wooden bats and wearing balaclavas run at Jesse. Jesse's face falls and he mutters "Oh shit" and they tackle Jesse to the ground and hit him with their bats.

Scarlett looks outside her window and her face falls and she runs out of the house. Scarlett runs up to Jesse who is being beaten "Jesse! Get off him!" One of the men punch Scarlett and the men all run into the van. She rushes to Jesse and his face is all bloodied and she sobs.

Jesse is sitting at his kitchen table and Scarlett is cleaning up his face and wounds and he winces in pain and she says "Sorry". After a moment Jesse says "You shouldn't have came out there" Scarlett asks "Are you being serious? Jess you were like almost half dead I just panicked okay I'm sorry. Now who where they guys?" Jesse shrugs his shoulders "I got no idea" Scarlett says "Maybe it's competition, you know maybe you and Emilio are stepping on someone's toes" Jesse says "I don't know Babe" "Alright that's you all cleaned up" Jesse smiles up at Scarlett as he grasps her hand. Scarlett says "I still think you need to go to a hospital" Jesse gently kisses Scarlett's hand and says "All I need is you" Scarlett smiles as she leans down and kisses Jesse. Sean walks into the kitchen and claps his hands Scarlett and Jesse break the kiss and Sean chuckles and asks "What the fuck happened to you?" Jesse replies "What it to you?" Scarlett glances to Jesse and Sean and says "He got jumped" Sean nods and asks "In Broad daylight? What have you been getting yourself into Pinkman?" Jesse abruptly stands up and says "None of your business!" and Jesse storms out. Scarlett calls after Jesse "Jesse!" Sean says "Leave him Scar, he'll come outta it". Stephen walks into Scarlett's kitchen and Sean says angrily "Who the fuck are you?!" Scarlett smiles "Hey Stephen" Stephen nods "Scarlett I just dropped by to check on you, Ken sent me" Sean charges at Stephen and rams Stephen into the wall and bellows "WHO THE FUCK ARE YA?!" Scarlett runs to Sean and with much difficulty pulls Sean away from Stephen and says "Sean stop! This is Stephen, he's a friend of Dad's" Sean glares at Stephen. Scarlett who is standing in between Stephen and Sean turns to Stephen and has a apologetic look across her face as she says "Stephen, I'm sorry Sean he doesn't mean it" Stephen nods and points his finger at Sean and says angrily "You're fucking lucky you're Ken's kid because if you weren't I'd slit your eyes and throat!" and Stephen notices that Scott is standing outside staring in a trance and nudges Scarlett "Hey, what's up with him?" Scarlett says "He caught his slut of Girlfriend cheating on me and he's just been like that all day, he won't talk"

Stephen approaches Scott and asks "You alright Buddy?" Scott stares in a trance and Stephen nods and punches Scott across the jaw and Scarlett shouts "Hey!"  Stephen says to Scott "Snap outta it, get a grip. Don't let a piece of ass rule your life" and Scott stands up and says "I need the toilet" and he walks inside. Scarlett questionly looks at Stephen and he says "Sometimes violence is the only answer Shortcake" and he leaves.

Scarlett is laying in bed an Sean walks in after lightly knocking on her bedroom door. Scarlett smiles at Sean "Hey Bro, you okay?" "No actually we gotta talk" Scarlett's eyebrows knit in confusion and she asks "About what?" Sean sits on the edge of Scarlett's bed and says "It's about Brody" Scarlett sits up straight and says "Well let me just say this I ain't too happy with him, not one phone call did I get off that asshole. I tell you he better have a goddamn good excuse" Sean says "Brody's dead" Scarlett's lip quivers and she shakes her head "No he can't be" "Scar I'm sorry but he's gone" Scarlett begins to hysterically cry and Sean envelopes her in a hug and cradled her back and forth.


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