Soon Forget

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Eddie just found a song and would love to do a cover of it, so he calls his beloved band mates to check if they're okay with it, turns out like it and, after less than half an hour, they're all in the studio's rehearsal room playing it.
After a few takes, Eddie isn't convinced and he notices that in fact something is missing...or better, someone, and he immediately thinks of Chris, he would be perfect for this song and for a moment he thinks about asking him another Temple Of The Dog reunion for the 27th band anniversary, he knows he won't accept but there's no harm in trying, right?
And so he unthreads the phone from his jeans's pocket and goes towards the door.
Stone:"Where are you goin' Ed?"
Eddie:"I'm gonna call Chris, someone's missing in this song" and before Stone could say another word, in a hurry he exits from the room and types in Chris's phone number; as usual, Eddie forgot.

The phone rings but instead of Chris's beautiful voice, a woman answers:
"Hello? Eddie?" Eddie supposes it's Vicky, he never thought she was a nice person.
Eddie:"Yeah, it's me, where's Chris?"
Vicky:"Eddie...stop calling and ask about Chris"
Vicky:"You forgot again, haven't you?"
Eddie:"About what?" he ask, now preoccupied
Vicky:"Eddie...Chris is gone, it's been a year by now"
Eddie:"What are you ta-" and he stops, he begins to remember...28th May 2017.
Eddie:"I-I'm sorry Vicky, I'm really sorry, I'll try not to call anymore" he says, trying not to break  down in tears
Vicky:"I hope so, in this way you just hurt yourself and us. Now I have to go, I have things to do, goodbye Eddie" and without waiting for a goodbye from him, she ends the call, Eddie whispers a "bye" after the noise that indicates that Vicky hung up.
At that point he stays with his phone in his hand, looking at the void and trying to remember that awful day his mind keeps erasing.
He goes back at the door of the room but, right when he rests his hand on the door handle, he slowly collapses on the floor with his back on the wall, letting his emotions taking control.
"Why he wanted to leave? Leave me, the guys and his family...why?" he thinks; deep inside he knew it wasn't Chris's choice, he knew it was Vicky's fault...but let that sink in.
"I thought he loved me as much as I loved and still love him"
Their nearness was prominent: they often used to kiss in public, hug, exchange love looks, but no on thought they were actually a couple, then Chris found Vicky and since then everything ended.
Eventually Eddie met Jill, the perfect woman for him and he forgot about the things between him and Chris for a while, until the latter asked Eddie to hang out, "a night like the good old days" that consisted in a shared bottle of wine or beer while they were at the quietest place of the area, listening to the nature and having a good chat.
The last time they hang out, Chris told Eddie the situation with Vicky: she became too intrusive, bitchy and jealous, she always wanted attentions, and not to mention that she took advantage of Chris's money, a thing that, in Eddie's opinion, she still does, despite everything.
From there they got closer again and, one thing pushes the other...the spark they lost time ago eventually came back.

While Eddie was thinking about the days spent with Chris, the guys were arranging the instruments when...
Jeff:"What are those noises? Can you hear them?
Matt:"Sound like sobbings" immediately after that affirmation all together exclaim "EDDIE!" and rush out the rehearsal room, finding him sitting on the floor hugging his knees, he's now turned into a sobbing ball.

Stone:"Eddie...I've tried to stop you but you run away" he says rubbing his back and trying to calm him down a little but nothing, seems like it's getting worse, in fact at a certain point he's suddenly breathless.
Mike:"Eddie! Eddie calm down! Fuck, Eddie!" he immediately goes closer to him
Matt:"Breathe" he says, with all the calm in this world and starts to inspire and expire, Eddie looks up at him and starts copying him until his breath nearly regularizes, he coughs a few times and then dries his tears with his jacket's sleeve.
Eddie:"I-I'm sorry...I ke-ep forgetting...I still ca-an't believe i-it" he says, still trying to fix his breath.
Jeff:"There's no need to be sorry at all"
Mike:" time let yourself stop, we know you'll soon forget again"
Eddie:"Maybe I should just delete his number..."
Stone:"Or you could just block it"
Eddie:"Mh, maybe yes...I'll block it no- but if-...nevermind"
Matt:"But if?"
Eddie:"Nothing, I don't think Vicky needs me anyway"
Stone:"Eddie, she hates you too much, it won't go even through the antechamber of her brain to call you, c'mon, block this number and end this shit, okay? And if you'll ever want to call him again, make sure to call one of us before by saying 'should I call Chris?' and we'll be ready to prohibit you to do that"
Eddie chuckles and adds:"Okay, thank you guys" and hugs them all, one by one, he's such a loving guy, and after this they start again to play that song, trying not to fuck it up and also trying to fill the gap that the good old Chris Cornell would have filled perfectly, with his more unique than rare voice, so close to "the voice of an angel" as Eddie liked to define.

Chris will be forever his angel, the most beautiful one and also the purest, no matter who he's going to meet, no one will ever be like his beloved Chris, the one who taught him how to love.
Soon he'll have to teach him how to fly to be together again...forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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