Don't Deal With A Demon

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When the demon went inside Firefly she felt like a statue out of figure. Soon as the demon was finally inside it imedently took over. "Finally.... I can talk normal." There was a knock at the door. BoomBox opened the door, with a surprise demon in the house.

BoomBox slowly walked away. But then the door viciously closed by itself. BoomBox stoped as he shiverd. Then the demon runned up to him and scratched BoomBox. BoomBox fainted. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BOOMBOX!" Firefly said inside of the demon.

"Just giving him a rather oddly scare like ALL demons do." The Demon said like he knew what he was doing. "You could've hurt him bad!". Firefly said. "It does not matter. Not let's get out of this slop of a house!" When they got out the demon let Firefly take back over, because it did not want to be seen in front of *A lot* of people.

"Phew....." Firefly said. "I have control of my Own body now." She walked to her friends house, but as she nearly knocked on the door she remembers the demon could take control at anytime. She swiped her hand back to herself, And walked away. But as soon as she was off the porch her friend, ice cream noticed her. "FIREFLY! Nice to see you again." Firefly stopped. And when she tried to say she had to go the demon noticed ice cream and took over agian.

When the demon fully took over ice cream ran back in. He locked the door. But the door turned into little tiny wood pieces. "STOP! You're scaring ice cream!" Firefly yelled. "We've been over this! It Does Not MATTER!" The Demon angrily said.

The Demon walked up to ice cream cut off one of his arms. Ice cream fell on the floor nearly dead. The demon laughed and walked out of the house.

Firefly had enough of this. She worried if her friends did not like her anymore. "I've had ENOUGH OF THIS!" Firefly said. "You think you can just run around my city hurting all my friends and family?" "Well think again, because I'm here to stop you."

(To Be Continued.......)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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