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The only light there was you 


Honestly, my job sucks. I'm stuck with a shitty job with a shitty boss. What do I do? I'm stuck with retail because we need more people in retail. And most of the time, I can't even come into work because of school. Life sucks. But on that note, after I get off, it's Jaebum's party. So that's something. 

"Yo Ari," Minhyuk says. He makes everything better at this job.

"Hey Minhyuk, what's up?" I high five him.

"Nothing much. You off soon?" he asks.

"Yeah, thank god," I sigh.

"Damn, it's going to be busy," he whines.

"Sorry baby boy," I wink and blow a kiss at him. I look at the time and realize that I'm off, so I say goodbye. 

Mark said that he would pick me up after work, but I don't see him anywhere. He's been so distant recently and I don't know why. I hope he tells me later on, considering we do live under the same roof. This is like the 3rd time walking home by myself, so I really want to know what's up. 

The walk isn't that long, but when I open the door to my own house, I see Mark and Jiyeon sitting on the couch! I really don't know what's going on, but I think it's best for me not to know at this point. 

"Oh shit, I was supposed to pick you up," Mark stands up faster than I've ever seen, which made me jolt back. 

"It's fine, you seemed to be busy," I say putting my stuff down on the table. 

"I was helping Jiyeon study for the test coming up and lost track of time, forgive me Ari," he says. I just wave him off and head to the shower. 

A lot of things are going on in my mind right now. Jaebum out of the blue asked me if I wanted to be his date. Mark and Jiyeon might be a thing? My work is due in 3 days. Yah, this shower better due wonders. I don't know what to wear to the party. I just realized that. Yikes, I hope Jaebum likes ripped jeans and a crop top. And some high top converse because of CONVERSE HIGH. Or does he really hate converse? Nahhh.

I got out of the shower, but I didn't hear anything. Which is weird because Jiyeon is loud. Maybe she left? The bathroom is right across from my room, so I bolt so no one can see me. I quickly get changed and do my makeup since I'm an extra bitch and want to impress. I leave my room and I still see Mark and Jiyeon in the living room. I grab my keys and head for the door but I was found.

"Are you leaving already?" Mark asks. I turn around slowly to see the both of them staring at me. 

"OMG WOW ARI YOU LOOK AMAZING! WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS?" Jiyeon practically screams. I gave her the bitch chill the fuck out look and she immediately calmed down. I look at Mark and he's looking at me up and down, which is a bit strange. 


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