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or public reading list
to receive notifications about
this award's progress.

Judges will be chosen before
the acceptance of entries closes.
Whether we accept an application for judges or invite trusted people, we will announce it in the future.

Be polite.
Any rude comments will be flagged.


1. Books can be written fully in either English or Filipino/Taglish.

2. Books must have at least
10 chapters if ongoing
(excluding introduction, disclaimers, and other notices), unless it's a short story or one shot, then it doesn't matter.

3. You are allowed to
enter as many books as you want
but we suggest you choose your best story and enter it.

4. If you ever change your username, please inform us via DM.
Remember, if you changed your username without informing us, we won't be able to include it on the final participant's list. We've given an instruction, it's your lapse if you don't follow.

5. Books must adhere to Wattpad policy - no rape, incest, self-harm, bullying.


This award will be handled
solely by YOON.

Any  Temporary Award Book Admin who wishes to join is allowed. Results will be sent personally to my profile (Yoon) so they will not see the results.

Clarification: The head admin of this page is Yoon and the graphics admin is Synn. 

Temporary Award Book Admins are those managing a specific awards on this page like EXO UNIVERSE AWARDS, KPOP FANFICTION AWARDS (CLOSED). They are only part of the admin while managing a specific book - hence temporary. 

Aside from the head and graphic admin,  the temporary admins are allowed to join if they want as long as they are Filipino and is living in the Philippines.

Scores will be disclosed.

So all in all, it will be fair and unbiased.

Prizes will be coming from the admins own pocket. Admins from KficsAwardsPh are officially part of the page as Shadow Admins. 😊

Winners from KPOP Fanfiction Awards 2018 from KficsAwardsPh are no longer allowed to join.

This awards will be fair.

If you have any questions,
please leave them here

KFICS AWARDS for FILIPINO WRITERS [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now