Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"How long will it take to get there?" Jade asked tiredly. She was fighting sleep and losing the battle.

"Well we've been on the road -"

"What road?" Jade interrupted.

"I was speaking figuratively! We've been traveling for about a week now so we should reach it in another week. Or maybe a week and a half. I'm not exactly sure."

"Another week!" Jade cried. "We probably could have found Ma by now!"

"I doubt it. Anyways Jade, go to sleep. it's not like I'm gonna let you fall off the horse. Plus we'll make better time if we sleep on the horse."

"Okay, but when will you sleep?" She asked.

"When you wake up i'll take a nap." He replied.

"But how will you stay on the horse? I can't hold you up."

"I have ways. Now go to sleep." He pushed her head against his shoulder. To tired to resist, Jade drifted off right away.

Jade yawned and stretched.

"Good morning." Tristan said smiling.

Jade looked around. the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. "Where are we?" She asked.

"Well, we're in the mountains somewhere."

Jade rolled her eyes. Something shiny caught her so she turned towards the flash. There was a pool of silver on the ground. A trail of silver lead into the forest.

"Tristan?" She asked, "What's that?" she pointed to the silver.

"Damn!" Tristan said loudly. "That's unicorn blood, Jade." he wheeled the horse in the direction of the unicorn blood. The horse galloped through the woods at a dangerous pace. Jade heard an inhuman scream.

"They rounded a bend in the trail and there, fighting to the death, was a white unicorn shining silver with blood. It was fighting a strange black shape but Jade wasn't sure what it was.

"Tristan launched himself off the horse and onto the black thing. He started pummeling it with his bare fists.

With the unexpected help, the black thing tried to run away. Tristan held it back, but it broke loose and fled. Tristan swore, then looked at the bloody unicorn.

He and the unicorn stared at each other. Jade got the feeling that they were conversing somehow. Finally, Tristan looked at Jade.

"We're a lot closer than I thought Jade. The unicorn reminded me that I really don't know where it is. He's going to show us the rest of the way there." With that, he jumped up on the horse behind Jade.

"Ugh, you smell horrible!" Jade exclaimed.

"It's the black things blood. We should hurry, it might be poisonous." he muttered.

The unicorn stepped inside a small pass Jade wouldn't have noticed if she was looking right at it. The unicorn looked at Tristan then manuvered around there horse and dissappeared. The horse followed the path for what felt like forever. Finally, they came into a valley.

"It's good to be home." Tristan said, grinning.

"I thought it was going to take us another week to get here." Jade said suspiciously.

"It was. I was taking us to a different entrance. I never knew about this one."

"Oh," Jade said lamely.

The valley was beautiful. Jade couldn't see all of it though. It curved to the left so that the mountains blocked most of it. There was a huge waterfall across from them. She could hear the roar of it from where they were standing. There were pine trees on the right, like a forest but for the most part, it was open.

The Nothing Island (I called it this for lack of  a better idea)Where stories live. Discover now