Part 14

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You eyed Shawn across the bar, heart swelling as he turned and caught your gaze. He sent you a tiny wave accompanied by a smirk, and then resumed his mission to get you a drink.

His gig was the next day and he'd dragged you here to get a feel for the atmosphere in action. He wanted to know how different the crowd was from any of his previous performances, and his jitters were evident in the way he was carrying himself.

He insisted on coming to your house early so he could watch you get ready, and he'd proven to be completely mesmerized with you, commenting on every little thing you did with your makeup. He'd slipped away when you were curling your hair, wandering into your closet and picking out something to wear. You were hesitant at first, but it wasn't that bad.

He was paying the price now, though. He'd chosen your tightest jeans and a sheer, very low-cut blouse that showed off way too much cleavage.

The music vibrated the floor beneath your feet as you watched Shawn slip the bartender a ten-dollar-bill, grabbing both vodka tonics and sauntering over to you.

"Hello, handsome," you smiled, looking up at him to meet the gleam in his amber eyes.

"Hello yourself," he grinned, leaning down to nudge your nose with his, "thanks for doing this with me."

"Anything, babe," you took the clear drink, giving it a swirl in the glass. "If it's gonna make you feel better, so be it. We're here for research."

"For science," he giggled, pushing up on his tiptoes to get a good look at his surroundings. He'd really thought this through—even wore his boots with a little heel to give him a better view of the atmosphere.

"Shawn, it's gonna be fine," you sighed, reaching out to rub his cotton-clad side. "Babe, look at me," you insisted, sliding your hand up to cup his cheek. His eyes flickered down to yours, crinkling at the corners at the sight of you. "You've done this so many times. You'll be okay."

"But you've never seen me perform," he grinned, leaning a little closer, "And, I don't know, I just really want to be successful this time. Gotta get serious," he said softly, planting a kiss on your forehead. "And speaking of serious," he smiled, "I'm like, seriously in love with you."

"Smooth, Mendes," you chuckled as you brought your drink up to your lips.

Though you'd come to get a feel for the ambiance, Shawn was having a little too much fun. He was on his fifth round of shots when he turned to you, eyes wild and lips curled in a wide smile.

"What?" you asked, taking note of his rosy cheeks and messy curls. He was so drunk.

"You're just so pretty," he giggled, completely stunned as his eyes raked over your face.

"You're drunk," you chuckled, reaching out to touch his jaw. You felt the stubble beneath your fingertips, eyes travelling over his chiseled cheekbones as his eyelids fell shut, a deep inhale entering his nose. Such a sucker for your touch.

A soft giggle escaped his lips, causing you to laugh in response.

"What is it?" you asked, confused at his sudden mood swing.

"Mm, nothin'," he mumbled, flushed cheeks hardened with laughter. You raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you," he spoke, throwing his large hands up in surrender as he leaned a little closer, voice merely a whisper, "I'm hard."

"Shawn!" you snapped, lightly giving his arm a nudge. "Now? Why? Undo it, because we're here for you," you spoke, his giggles failing to cease.

"Come on, babe, just like, please, just a small blowjob or something," he giggled.

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