important a/n

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hey guys ,, im sorry but im sadly discontinuing my finn imagines . i apologize to those of you who requested and i didnt get to ,, but i just cant continue writing for finn anymore . ive lost all inspiration and motivation to continue ,, not to mention i dont take a liking in him anymore like i used to . finn is still awesome ,, im not saying i hate him ,, but i just dont have a crush on him anymore so its really hard for me to write for him after loosing that motivation .

i've tried really hard to try to keep writing imagines and at least finish requests ,, but im failing miserably so i decided to just end it now .
i hope you've enjoyed reading my imagines and its been a nice few months writing these for you ,, and you can always check out my other book and upcoming books that i might write :)

i love you all ,, i hope you have a great day/night !! <3

— parker ❤️

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