chapter 24

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It's morning and everyone is getting ready to go. Yoongi is walking around giving the wolves orders with Brittany following closely behind him. "These are vampires we're fighting. Therefore the omegas can fight. But omegas remember never get too far away from your alpha." Everyone nods and starts to get ready to leave when (Y/n) walks up to Brittany and taps her shoulder. "Brittany can we talk before you leave. "Yeah hold on," Brittany tells yoongi shes going to talk to (Y/n). "Ok but hurry we leave soon." "I will don't worry." Brittany walks back to (Y/n)and walks with her. "How old are you Brittany?" "I'm 19 why." "You haechan and mark are the youngest here. Mark and haechan are staying here why can't you." "I want to help my age doesn't matter. I go everywhere with yoongi and that will not change until he tells me to stop." "You're just so young" "yeah I met yoongi at the age of 17 he was 23." "Why didn't you meet him sooner?" "He waited for his mate for almost 6 years one month before I was of age he went on a mission and didn't come back until I was 17 the day he came back is when we met." "How'd he know about you and your engagement." "The alpha told him before he met him and showed him my picture and told him to guard me." "Wow" "after we met we spent every day together then he killed my finance and we ran away." "I'm glad you have him" "yeah I am too and at least you have your jimin to love you like I have my yoongi." (Y/n) goes to say something until she sees yoongi walking up to them." "Brittany let's go" "Ok I'll see you when we're done bye (Y/n)." "Bye" Brittany runs off behind yoongi. Jimin walks up behind (Y/n) and hugs her. "You look worried what's wrong." "What if they get hurt." "They're strong they got this." "I hope they do." "Before they leave I need you to do something." "Ok" Jimin takes her to tae and he points at a snake.

"Touch the snake please you'll form a bond and you can then see through his eyes that snake was your father's familiar or well pet

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"Touch the snake please you'll form a bond and you can then see through his eyes that snake was your father's familiar or well pet." "Really" "yes once you bond with him he'll be your familiar you can send him with them and see the fight through his eyes." "Ok, let's do this."  (Y/n) puts her hand out to the snake and he watches her then he slowly moves to wrap around her arm when he's on her arm she hears a voice in her head. "Who are you have my masters sent and you look like him why." "I'm his daughter please will you help me." "After he died I had no one if it means I will not be alone anymore then I'd be honored to be yours." The snake moves to sit on her shoulders.  "Welcome to the family buddy I need you to go with tae." The snake nods and moves to taes arm and jimin speaks. "Good job baby." "Thank you and tae please take care of him." "He'll be away from the fight don't worry." "Ok thank you and bye" "bye."

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