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Jungkook POV
After i sent Tzuyu to the airport,i went to my office because it's so busy today..

"Sir,there are a young lady want to meet you"Secretary Park said.
"What?young lady?"i asked him.
"Yes sir.."-Secretary Park.
"Where is she now?"
"She's in your office"-Secretary Park.
"Why do you let her in?"
"She was so stubborn and kept begging to,i was tired and i let her in"He explained to me.
"Okay.."and then he bowed at me.
"If you need something,tell me..sir"-Secretary Park.
I nodded.

As i walked in,i saw a brown silk hair sitting on the couch playing with her finger.

I cough and see the girl turned her head to me.

"Kookie!!"She hugged me.
"Why didn't you pick my call?"She pouted.
"I was sent Tzuyu to the Airport this afternoon"i said.
"Tzuyu?..oh,your wife?"-Jennie.
"Yeah..don't be shocked..cause i already divorced with her"
"What?! are really an international playboy!"She laughed.
"Hey..i'm not playboy"
"But now you are"-Jennie.
"Just stop it..and,why you here?at my place..?"
"When i was walking at the street,i saw Eunha..walking lonely..with sad face"-Jennie.
"Then,why do you tell me about her?"i asked her.
"You don't care about Eunha anymore?"-Jennie.
"Then take care of her..she looked so tired today..her hand was's kind like bruise i think...and her face was sweating..she look so pale..poor her"-Jennie.
"What?!she...she have a bruise?"i shocked.
"Yes..i saw it,but i don't tell her.."-Jennie.
"I think she need you know..she was really sick today..go..and help her.."-Jennie.
I just nodded.

When I've done my worked,i went to Eunha place.

Now i am standing at Eunha apartment..i pressed the bell and waited a respond..
But no one opened the door..
When i try to pressed the bell,suddenly Sinb opened the door.
"Thank god you are here!!!!!!!"she grabbed my hand and went inside.
"What is going on?"i asked Sinb.
"When Eunha was coming home,she suddenly collapsed in front of i am so afraid and kept her in her bed.."-Sinb.
"Let me see her"
She nodded.

I entered Eunha bedroom and sit beside her..
"Please let me have a moment with her..just a minute"i said to Sinb who was at the door.
"Okay.."she then closed the door.

"Eunha..are you okay?"i touched her forehead.
"W..what are you doing here?"she opened her eyes quickly.
"You were i came to see you"
"Do you have an aid kit?"
" always using that stuff at her she left it at her worked place"-Eunha.
"If you don't have it,let me take you to the clinic"i suggest to her.
"No,i hate bothered me so much..even you,don't like clinic right?"She spoke.
"Yes..So,you don't like clinic right?"
She nodded slowly.
"Then,let us go to my mansion"
"What?!no..i don't wanted to be with you..i wanted here only"she argue.
"If that what you going to stay here and not be able to work"
"But i wanted to worked..i don't my salary get cut.."-Eunha.
"So..Clinic or My Mansion?"i smirked.
"Y..y..your"she stuttered.
"Good pack your attire and get ready"
"What?!..i stay at you place?"-Eunha.
"Yes and why?if you don't wanted,then..i will sent you to the cli-"
"Okayyy!!i will go to you House"She said.
I laughed.

"Sinb,i will stay at Jungkook place.."-Eunha.
"But,tommorow you will worked right?"-Sinb.
"i-"I cut her word and said"tell yout boss,that she's sick..don't worry,i will not take an advantage to your friend"I wink.
"Really?can i trusted you??"-Sinb.
"Yes..she just stay only 1 day..not long right?"
"Bye Sinb..see you tommorow"-Eunha.
"Okay"Sinb hugged Eunha tightly..


Eunha POV
Here i am..At Jungkook Mansion..
I am soo stupid being here..
This Mansion has a lot of bad memories here..
"Are you gonna standing here?"-Jungkook.
"Yes.."I simply reply.
"don't tease me,let's in or i will kiss you soooo bad"He smirked.

I run into his house and sit on the couch..
"Let me see your hand"He command.
"Just let me see"-Jungkook.
"Ish,okay okay"i hissed.

He take my hand and wrapped it with bandage..
"Now it's better"He smiled.
"If that better now,can i go home?"
"Absolutely not"he shook his head.
I glared at him.

"Have you think about Having a relationship with me?"He suddenly hold my both hand.
"Erm,actually..i afraid to be with you again.."
"I afraid..if something bad happened again to us if i have a relationship with you"
"But,i promise i will protect you"-Jungkook.
"You really think you can protect me?"
He nodded.
"I just not sure..first,you hate me and like me back..i am so confused.."
"I know it's all my i think really hard if i can be with you again..and i like love you sincerely.."he start to cry slowly.
Before i wanted to speak,he suddenly kiss me passionately..he put his hand at my waist while me place my hand on his collarbone.
And then,he lay me on the couch and continue kissing me..i kissed him back..he was on topped of me..
He stop kissing me and look into my eyes.
"I love you"-Jungkook.
"I..i too.."i slowly said.


My Ex Husband;Eunkook[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now