Chapter 1

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You can do this.

You can do this.

You can do this.

I mentally repeat to myself. If I don't get this job then I'm in big trouble. I've been looking for months and the little money I had saved up is almost gone. This is my last hope.

I cross and uncross my legs then tug at the hem of my pencil skirt. I chose to pair it with a long sleeve white button down with a white shirt underneath. It's basic but is one of the nicer more professional outfits I own.

The door opens and the last women to be interviewed walks out followed by the man I hope to work for. Out of the seven women who were seated here earlier I'm the last to remain.

"Oleander Lucado. Did I pronounce that correctly?" I can hear a slight accent but don't know where to place it. I've always been bad at guessing them.

"Yes, that's correct," I say once I'm standing.

"Follow me and we'll get started." He holds the door open for me and I hide my shaking hands behind my back. The room is large and wide with a wall of glass windows looking out into a small grass area with a statue in the center. A long table set up with two dozen chairs fills the room along with a projector hanging from the ceiling.

My interviewer, Mr. Steele, takes a seat at the head of the table and I take the seat to his left. He searches through his papers until he pulls out the one he's looking for. Then he takes a pen from his pocket to write something at the top of the paper.

My foot bobs up and down under the table as I wait anxiously for him to begin the interview. I watch him look over his papers and it feels like an eternity has passed when he looks up at me.

"Shall we begin?"

"I'm ready when you are." I smile but let it fall when he looks down at his papers. It was as fake as fake can be and I hope he didn't notice. It's been a while since I've had a reason to smile. Nowadays none of them are genuine but no one seems to notice and lately putting on a smile has been too much work. It's exhausting constantly trying to pretend that I'm alright.

"I noticed that you're only twenty but have three years of experience as a secretary. Could you explain how you achieved those three years of experience?"

"I used to work for VT Tech. It started off as a part-time internship at the beginning of my senior year. When I graduated I was offered a full-time job because the secretary I was working with decided to leave when she found out she was pregnant. I worked there for another two years before I left the company." I recite as evenly as possible. My pulse races in my neck but I hope I look calm and composed. I practiced answering interview questions all week in the hope that it would lessen my nerves.

"Why did you end up leaving? VT Tech is a thriving company. I've heard nothing but good things about them."

"They were doing things that I wasn't comfortable with. Even though I was just a secretary I still felt I was a part of making those things a reality which is why I chose to leave." It's partially the truth. I don't think I'll ever want to bring up the real reason why I left, especially during an interview with a stranger.

We go back and forth for about what must be an hour. With every question I answer I feel a little more confident and comfortable.

"I have one last question and then we'll be done. Why should I hire you?" I take a second to think about this question before I answer. Even though I practiced this one everything I came up with seemed off. It was too perfect, too fake, not enough.

"Although my age might be off-putting I can guarantee you that I would be dedicated to the job. I'll always be on time and on top of my work. You'll never have to tell me to do anything twice. I'm sure I won't be your last secretary but I know if you hire me I'll be the best one you've ever had." He nods his head as he jots down some notes on his paper. Tucking the pin back into his coat pocket he looks up at me with a smile that makes my stomach flutter.

"Thank you for your time Oleander. It'll take me some time to review all the candidates so expect a call by Friday at the latest with an answer."

"Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you." He reaches his hand out toward me and I swallow nervously as I quickly build up the courage to shake it. Physical contact has been a phobia of mine for some time now.

Mr. Steele holds the door to the conference room open for me and I mutter a thank you before going in the direction I came this morning.

When I exit the building the Seattle sky is its usual gloomy overcast. I begin the journey to my car and breath in the fresh air. The closest spot I could find was almost three blocks away.

As I walk to my car the sky opens and rain begins to darken the light grey sidewalks. Most people would start running for cover but I've always loved the rain. It's been a comfort to me during my hardest times.

I settle into my car and make my way to my grandma's house. The rain causes slight traffic on the freeway giving me time to let my thoughts wander. They go back to my interview and how I answered the questions. The more I think about them the worse I feel. Some I did fine with but others I know I could have answered better especially the last one. I should have used my practiced to perfection version instead of going with something there on the spot.

I let out a groan and exit the freeway. It's too late now. What's done is done and either I get the job or I don't.

I really hope I get this job.

I step out of my car and make my way up to my grandma's house. I use the key she gave me years ago to let myself in.

"Sissy!" My brother squeals as he barrels down the hallway toward me. I smile as I lift him up into my arms for a hug. I guess earlier I was lying when I said I didn't smile. This little guy seems to be able to cheer me up when I'm feeling down.

"Hey, you. Have you been good for grandma?"

"Of course, he has. I swear that little boy is an angel. I've never seen a seven-year-old who's so well behaved but I guess I should thank you for that. You're doing a wonderful job raising that boy." My grandma says from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Thanks, grandma."

"You're welcome starlight." She says using my nickname. "Now come have some dinner and tell us how your interview went."

"Did you get the job?" My brother asks with a big grin showing off his two missing teeth.

"I'm not sure yet. I'll find out on Friday if I got it or not." I place him down and he gets into his chair. The table is covered with dishes all billowing with steam. I start making a plate up for my brother before making one for myself.

"Don't worry. You'll get this one. I've got a feeling."

"So do I." My grandma says and gives me a wink. I give them both a weak smile to make them think I have hope but with each passing minute, it sinks more and more.

I really hope they're right.


Author's notes:

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. I have you enjoyed the first chapter and stick around to see where things go. I don't have a set updating schedule. With school, the amount of free time I have changes from week to week but I will trying posting chapters as soon as I have them written.

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