Chapter 4

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"I think these carts are as full as we are going to get them," Steven says as he places another box on the stack on the mail cart.

"Let's head up then. You guys push, and I'll carry a few things." Caden tells us. I carefully maneuver the cart out of the door and follow Caden down the hall to the elevators. The boxes shake back and forth and inside some of the contents rattle around. "We're going to be on floor twenty-eight now." He presses the button and the elevator swiftly takes us up the two floors.

The doors open and there are three halls. One to the left, right and straight ahead.

"We're to the right. Straight ahead is the CEO of Visionary Tower and to the left is his son's office. Riley Davis is the CEO. He taught me everything I know. He isn't around much because he is busy running his other businesses. That's why he gave me this position. Trevor, Riley's son, he's an interesting guy. We'll be seeing a lot of him."

"That's going to be rough. Caden is being nice by describing the guy as interesting. He's a real dick. Treats everyone like they're dirt even though the only reason he even has this job is that his dad owns the place."

"He sounds very pleasant," I say sarcastically.

"Alright, here we are. My office is the double doors at the end of the hall and your office is the door to the left with the glass door. Inside you'll notice a door that connects our offices. Your office is empty right now, but I'll give you the company card and you can go shopping and buy anything you need. Or if you prefer I can contact the designer we use and have them set it all up for you."

"I don't mind you having a designer come in. They can set me up with all the basics and I'll add my own personal touches." I answer after giving the question some thought.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll give her a call when we take our lunch." He props the dark hardwood doors to his office open. Inside, Caden's office desk is already set up. As well as a sitting area set up with couches, chairs, and a low table. There's even a bar set up against the back wall. Stocked up with hard liquor and bottles of wine. I also notice a bathroom attach to his office behind where his desk is set up. The apartment I live in could easily fit in Caden's office. It's gigantic.

I walk over to the wall of windows and draw the blinds open. A beautiful view of the Seattle skyline is revealed. I bet it looks incredible during sunset.

"I'll have to figure out who to talk to about switching those blinds out for an automatic set."

"I can do that for you, Caden. You just worry about getting all of your things set up." I say as I walk over to the mail cart I rolled down here. One by one I begin taking the boxes off and stacking them on any free surface I can find.

"Thank you, Oleander. Oh, can you put that box on my desk?" He asks me. I change direction and go toward his desk to set the box down.

My head snaps to the doors when I hear a light knock coming from the wooden doors. A tall blonde dressed in a red pencil dress and black heels stands in the doorway. I am so underdressed. I lower my head and go to grab the last box on the mail cart. Tomorrow, I have got to wear something a lot nicer. I can't believe I thought jeans and a button-down would be okay to wear.

"Hi everyone, my name is Olivia. I'm Trevor's assistant. I wanted to come over to introduce myself and say hi." She says with a smile.

"Come in Olivia. It's nice to meet you." Caden says with his hand outstretched toward her. "I'm Caden Steele, feel free to call me Caden, this is my assistant Oleander, and my friend Steven who works in the billing department."

"It's nice to meet you all as well. It'll be nice to have someone else up here besides Trevor. It's been so quiet the last few months." Olivia drops Caden's hand and trades it for Steven's. I awkwardly lean against Caden's desk and give Olivia a little wave when she turns toward me.

"Do you need any help with moving? Trevor's out of the office momentarily so I have some free time." She offers, wiping her palms on her dress. I notice the gesture I do sometimes when my palms get sweaty from nerves. Olivia has nothing to be nervous about. She's gorgeous and I'm sure incredibly smart as well.

"I could use all the help I can get, thank you. There are still several boxes that need to be brought upstairs. We'll have to do a few trips back and forth."

"Lead the way." She says with a laugh and her arms gesturing toward the doors. We all follow Caden out of his office like little ducklings. For most of the afternoon, we ride the elevator up and down between the two floors and unload box after box. Caden does seem like a hoarder. I don't know how he ever managed to fit all this stuff in his old office. The place must have been on the verge of exploding.

"You owe me lunch and a beer after all this work, Caden," Steven says after he places the last box from the mail cart onto the floor. He walks over to the couch and falls face down onto it. "This couch isn't as soft as it looks." He grumbles into the cushion.

"Name the time and place. I'll be there, and you guys are invited as well. Thank you all for helping."

"No problem. I'm glad I got to spend my day doing something productive." Olivia says from the chair she's seated in. "I'm going to head back to my office but if you guys ever need anything feel free to come by. We should do lunch just the two of us sometime Oleander. I'll stop by sometime this week and we can plan something." She says with a kind smile.

"That sounds fun," I say returning her smile. She lets out a small squeal of excitement and struts out of the office. Olivia is very sweet. During the several trips we had to take back and forth we had some nice conversations. I don't usually do small talk but talking with Olivia was easy. Instead of constantly worrying about the words coming out of my mouth I was able to have a fun and light-hearted conversation. I'm looking forward to having lunch with her.

"I'm sorry that you didn't get your lunch break today. You can leave early if you like." Caden says bringing me back from my train of thought.

"It's fine. We all lost track of time. I'll see you tomorrow at nine." I grab my bag from the spot where I left it and pull the strap up to my shoulder. "It was nice meeting you, Steven," I call over my shoulder as I leave Caden's office.

"You as well Oleander. I hope we'll run into each other again." He says with a wink. I give him a tight smile and grip the strap on my purse tighter. "Ouch." I hear from behind me.

"Stop that, you are making her uncomfortable." I hear Caden tell him and a smile spreads across my face as I make my way toward the elevator for the last time today.


Author's Notes:

My apologies for taking so long to update. Time just flew by. I'm on winter break which went by so fast I cannot believe that it's almost over. I had all these plans to get things done and ended up doing barely any of them. I've got one more week of break left and I hope that I finally get some relaxation time in as well as finishing up any last minute projects.

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