This is just a character profile of Isabel. Sorry to dissapointXD

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Name Isabel. Duh
Age Uhhh 24? (Sorry don't know wills age)
Height umm 5 ft 1
Weight 45 kg
Looks Long brown hair,
brown eyes, both her and Will get Autobot faction tattoos just below the shoulder a little after N.E.S.T is formed.
Personality Sassy, outgoing prankster, laidback energetic and a major daredevil.
Weapons A pistol, rifle, dagger and pocket knife.
Relations William Lennox (Twin brother) Tony Stark (Older brother) Sarah Lennox (Sister in law) Annabelle Lennox (Niece) Maria and Howard Stark (Parents)
Occupation Second in Command in the US Air Force with Will.
Abilities Agile and flexible
Weaknesses Hot headed, arrogant, can be a bit of an asshole easy to manipulate  at times

History Isabel Lennox is the twin to William Lennox and younger sister to Tony Stark. At the age of 15 both Isabel and Will ran away and changed their last names because they had enough of being verbally abused by their parents and neglected by Tony who realised his mistake and has regretted it since. After the twins ran away they joined the military together quickly climbing the ranks. Soon they were dispatched with a team of their own whom they became close allies and family with. When Isabel and Will learned that their older brother found out about their name change and hadn't forgotten about then they were thoroughly surprised but never wanted to visit him.
A/N this takes place a year before Revenge of the fallen.

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