Reunion time yayyyy...not

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"Sir, there are two intruders on the main level of the tower" Jarvis's dis-embodied voice came through as the Avengers stepped into the elevator "Why would anyone break in the tower at this time?" Steve was clearly puzzled as he asked this. They tensed as the elevator slowed to a stop. Climbing out they walked to the living room where they found two people, a female and a male arguing. "For the last time Isabel, you can't just go around and hope you can shoot people!" The male half shouted half chided at 'Isabel'. "Well I'm sorry Will, not my fault that that I'm in the mood to shoot someone or something." She retorted "You hang around Ironhide too much and you can't shoot our brother just because 'you can'." Natasha looked over at Tony who had paled considerably at the word 'brother. "Tony, are you alright?" Will glanced over at the elevator at noticed the Avengers, (FINALLY.) ("Hey, get out of the commentary Isabel!") Looking over Isabel turned and spread her arms like a showman and took a bow. "Look who's finally decided to show up!" The Avengers blanched at this. "What are you doing here?" Isabel looked over at Bruce and grinned," well my friends over at N.E.S.T want your help". "Whats N.E.S.T?" That was Steve this time. "It's a top-secret organisation." Will answered as if was the most obvious thing in the world. "Where have you two been the past few years!? Didn't you even think about how it would affect us, ME!? By the end of that Tony was near shouting. "Blah blah blah, you can rant later because if we stay any longer the Decepticons will realise we're here aand they have noticed great." Isabel was cut off as her phone started blaring 'Houston, we have a problem' The team of superheroes looked like lost puppies, Will noted as he looked at them. "What's a Deception?" "Oh nothing much just a psychotic type of alien robotic organism that wants to assert world domination and enslave the human kind" The Avengers had comicaly large eyes with how nocholant Isabel sounded about that. She walked over to the balcony before throwing a cheeky grin over her shoulder and said to Will, "Meet you back at base I'll deal with Cons. And with that she dropped off the balcony and onto the street below...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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