Chapter 17: Conversation

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The prom is in serious jeopardy. Due to the intensity of Louis' murder and the ongoing investigation of Louis' stabbing occurring a few miles near the ballroom doors, the school decided to stop the event and announce the prom king and queen on a different day in the school auditorium.

Everyone started to leave and go home, except for Kyle, Blair, Lance, Kendall, Brandon, and Stefanie who went for a drink in the cafe. Kyle is shivering after staying in the rain when the ambulance carrying Louis leaves the hotel. His hair is messy and his suit is wet. Brandon, who was Kendall's date for the prom, started to speak as he wants to start to conversation about Louis' apparent death.

"You guys, I think we should talk about what we felt about what happened earlier. It's best to talk it out than to bottle it up for a long time." Brandon said.

"Brandon's right. He is taking psychology in college, you know. I think it'll help. I'll go first. Louis was very kind. I can totally connect with him on that level. His murder really shocked me. I mean, I never thought that someone would want to kill a gentle soul like him. That's all." Kendall said, as she takes a sip from her coffee.

"How about you, Lance? What do you think about it?" Brandon asked.

"What do I think of it? Well, I mean, if I wanted to die, I wouldn't want it to be a murder, obviously. Who killed him anyway?" Lance said.

"Does it matter? My brother's boyfriend is dead. You're being so insensitive." Blair said to him, beginning to cry.

"I just wish he had called me. I would've called help immediately. I would've called Kyle. I would've told him that whether he survives of not, Kyle will always love him, and stuff like that. I feel really bad about him." Blair said to everyone in the table.

Lance comforted his sobbing girlfriend.

"It's okay, baby. We are all hoping that he's going to make it. Your mom is doing the best she can to cure him. What about you, Stefanie? What do you think in all of this?" Lance said.

"I think that his stabbing has Austin's name all over it." Stefanie said.

"We don't know that." Kendall said.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling that it's Austin who stabbed him, given that he is super pissed at him, and I think he should be sentenced for life in jail for it, or executed, and he's just going to get away with that? Bullshit!" Stefanie said.

"Stef, calm down. We don't know who stabbed Louis, and if it's really Austin, that would be pretty crazy. Like he would never point a knife or a gun at someone just to prove a point. It would be super shocking if its true." Kendall said to her.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just think it's not fair that Louis is going to die." Stefanie said.

"How about you, Kyle? I know what happened to Louis must be really hard for you, since you're his boyfriend, but you gotta get out of that haze before you get lost." Brandon said.

Kyle, who is just staring outside the window, trying to forget about what he saw, didn't hear what he said.

"Huh?" he said.

"What do you feel about what happened?" Brandon asked again.

"What do I feel about it? Stupid." Kyle said, making everyone look at him weirdly.

"Oh come on, no one even likes him. Who cares if he's dying." Kyle said.

"God, that's rude Kyle." Kendall said.

"Oh really? That's life, Kendall. The world is full of people who have something to give to the world, and they end up ignored. There are people who are nice, innocent, talented, and kind, and they end up being snubbed by people who think they are better than them, but in reality, they're not." he said to Kendall.

"You think Austin getting away with murder is bullshit, Stefanie? Ignorance is bullshit. It's horrible." he said to Stefanie.

"Says the person who didn't follow the ambulance carrying Louis to the hospital and instead, stayed at the prom and sat here with us to argue. You don't even have the balls to stay by his side even at his apparent last minutes and said goodbye to him." Stefanie said.

Kyle lost his shit.

"IS HE DEAD?! You don't know that. None of you know that!" he said as he regains his composure.

"Do you even regret not being there for him?" Brandon asked.

"Oh I regret alright! I regret everything. I sure wish that Austin was here so that I can beat his fucking ass in front of everyone here and throw at chair at him, telling him that he is a huge asshole. Everyone of you can mourn his apparent death, while I can be confident that he's going to survive and everything's back to normal." Kyle said.

The table went silent for a few minutes, before Kyle can speak once again.

"Where were you all when he needed someone, huh? Where were you? Is it just me and my sister? Is it just us who care about him? Are you too much of a coward to come to him? All he wanted is someone to give him love. Someone who cares, listens to, and understands his needs. Someone who can fill the hole his parents and his ex made in his heart, and you're just giving him compassion now? What's wrong with you?" he said, as he nearly tears up.

"I'm done sitting here with you crazy people." he said as he stands up and leaves the table.

"Where are you going, Kyle?" Kendall asked.

Kyle fought back the tears and turned around.

"To Louis. He needs me." he said as he exits the cafe.

A long silence fills the table. Everyone looked down, as they are all ashamed at themselves for ignoring Louis and bullying him.

Kyle walks into the street, still trying to hold back his tears, fearing for Louis' life and hoping that he survives.

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