Chapter 11

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Jason. P.O.V.

I ran up to (Y,N) so I can tell of she is alive or just dead well it doesn't matter either way because I'm going to fucking kill them for what they done, bent down to her side to see if she is okay , then I started to shake her body roughly so she could wake up. "(Y,N) please wake up, I need you!!!" No matter how many times I tried to wake her up by shaking her she wouldn't wake up. "I am so sorry, this is my fault, as only if I had took you with me, things could have turned out differently." Still no reply from her... She might be dead but we made each other a promise that we will stick to each other side no matter what. And I was at fault for her death... Man I am such an idiot, everything I touch or ever love fades away until I have nothing. I turned around, I  look back the group of people, and then at the moment I realized those are the same people that I had seen when I met (Y,N).  My blood started to boil with anger and regret for not killing them before.  I got up from the ground, stand up, and looked at them even looking at their perfect conceited faces pisses me off even more. "What haves she ever done to you to ever deserve this?" I looked at all of them targeting which one hurted (Y,N) the most out of all if them, I had slide on my mask,  slide out my machete, and hid it behind my back
"Aww two freaks are in love with each other, one of them is dead, and you can't bare to loose the sight of her. Well too bad weirdo she derseved." Just by looking at the girl she was being serious as if she is the victim of this act. "Lizzy that's enough!! Now we are in big trouble... We are all going to jail, and that is going to mess up my football scholarship." The boy panic not knowing what to do. "Don't worry Billy, we won't get caught besides I can get us out of a lot of things with this perfect face and this body of mine." I cocked my head to the side thinking of a slur she is. So this is Billy and Josie... What about the other two. "Stop flirting with my -!!" "Oh shut it Josie, can't help that I make the boys fall for me just ask Billy." Lizzy winked her eyes at Jason. Hmm... Billy, Josie, Lizzy, and what's the other one. "I'm so sorry I told her not to kill her but she did anyway, so don't call the police on us sir!!" The 4th boy from the group begged to me as if it is the end of his life.... Oh it will be though.... All of them will experience true pain mentally and physically just like they did to (Y,N). "Ew Ben get away from him." Lizzy moved Ben out of my direction abd rolled her eyes at me in disgust. Billy, Josie, Lizzy, and Ben huh.... The whore is going first. I walked up to Lizzy still hiding my machete behind my back.
"Eww get away from me you freak." Lizzy tried to push me out of her way but I was to strong. I pointed my machete at her and swing it down to her face to her stomach to where organs, blood, and entrails started gushing out from her body. I giggle because I haven't killed in a long time, man this feel so great just to kill, kill, and kill!! Just thinking about my prey scream in torture feels my soul with so much delight. Seeing Lizzy dead body tumble onto the ground it gets me flustered with excitement and I started laughing maniacally just feels my soul with happiness. " Man, I always wanted to do that, I bet you didn't use your body to escape this situation huh? Your body is no longer perfect anymore " I looked at her body laughing as if she was nothing. "Oh My God!!! Lizzy?!" Josie clumped onto the ground with her palms over her hand crying. "Please don't kill me I'm sorry!!!" Just seeing her get for her life like that makes me beam in happiness as if I am inferior to them, as if I am higher power, just killing people for fun as they pray to their God.  "How do you want to die?"  Even though I have on my mask I smiled in a creepy and sadistic way. "I don't want to die!!" She screamed trying to convince me not to kill her. "Hmm I know, here is a quick way so you won't feel pain or anything." I am referring probably on cutting her head off as if a baseball bat is hitting the ball into the air. "Are you ready?" I put my machete to her neck and rub her skin on my machete lightly. "NOO! GOD NO!!" Josie prayed and prayed and prayed. "It's pretty pointless Josie, if he hadn't came yet, what makes you think that he is coming to help you? I can help you join him if you want?" I waited for an answer from her but there was so answer but silent cries. "Well then I take that as a yes." I lifted my machete up, swanged down it onto her neck, causing her head to pop off, and blood started gushing out of the inside of outside of her neck. I stepped towards Josie blood, Josie blood had covered my whole body where I was drowing in a bath of blood, and I smiled at Billy and Ben letting them know that they are next. "We need to get out of here, come on Ben!! Run!!" Billy grabbed Ben hand and they started running their way out of the lakem, So I folowed them walking slowly on purpose because they will get lost anyway so its no point trying to catch up to them and besides I know this whole camp so they can't get away. I smiled and looked at them running away from me, then I had seen Ben had stumble onto a log and fell onto the ground causing Billy to fell as well. Haha that never gets old, just seeing people fall and don't get up and just wait for me to kill them. So I walked to where Ben and Billy are at and finally got close to them once again. "At least you two will die together." Looking at them panic to fear and scream is joy to ears and motivate me to do the things I love best!! And that is killing.  I raised my machete at them and start stabbing the both of them constantly, rapidly, over, and over, and over again to my heart content. All their blood splattered on me by every thrust I blow to them by the stomach. Oops I went overboard again to the point there is nothing there is nothing there but gutted up meat and bones.

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