Chapter 27: Crisis

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My plane landed finally and I made my way to the front gate of the airport and there .. I found 7 men standing in front of a black van with hoodies and masks ..

I could see them smile through the masks .. I smiled widely and made my way to them ..

"Are you some kind of kidnappers ?" I said with a serious face

They all laughed and I laughed back as they all pulled me into a tight hug as they helped me with the bags and I entered the van .. Jin was driving

Once we drove off they all moved their masks .. Jungkook who was sitting next to me pulled me into another hug then kissed my lips .. It didn't last for a long time since we were with the boys

"I missed you Y/N" he said as he put his head on my shoulder

"I missed you too kookie" I said ruffling his hair

"Yah! What about us?" Jimin chimed pouting

"I missed all of you Chimchim" I said gently pinching his cheek

I earned some 'Aww's and 'cute' which made me giggle

Four years passed and I became rich as hell and very known as a cardio surgeon.. I had my own mansion in Korea bringing my mom and dad to live in it with me .. They were now retired and happily married as always .. I just smile everytime I look at them .. I picture myself with jungkook after many years from now
Jungkook and I never left each other and our love just grew everyday

BTS are still very famous but they haven't release a new clip or song for a year now .. jungkook also seems really tensed these days ..He asked not to meet me today and that he had some stuff to do but I ain't buying it I'm going to him.. I should ask him why he's acting weird

I drove my new luxury car to their dorm .. Once I arrived there I was surprised by what I saw ..

They were packing .. as if they were moving out ?

I headed towards them confused

"Guys what the hell?" I asked and they all had wide eyes when they turned around and saw me

Jungkook ran up to me

"Wh-what are you doing here ?" Jungkook said grabbing my arm

"Well I was here to ask you about why were you acting weird these days but I guess now I kinda know" I folded my arms

"Care to explain?" I raised an eyebrow at him

He sighed and then started explaining that his company is having a crisis and couldn't afford releasing new clips and that they had to move out so that they could buy the dorm to have some money to pay their debts

"Why the hell didn't you tell me ?" I asked loudly

"Well we didn't want to be a burden" Jimin chimed 

"A BURDEN ? HOW THE FUCK DID Y-... okey okey listen here.." I was angry that they thought of that but I calmed myself and continued "...Look you're my friends .. no my best friends and jungkook you're my boyfriend for God Sake how could you possibly think that you'll be a burden to me" I said with a sad look at my face

They just nodded and looked down soon the rest of the boys joined .. also looking down

"Hey look at me all of you" I said and they all looked at me

"There us absolutely no need to put your heads down around me .. We are friends and friends stick together no matter what okey ?" I said patting Jimin's shoulder and putting my hand on jungkook's cheek

They smiled at me then nodded

"Now .. explain the whole situation with details" I said

Namjoon started explaining that Bang PD had a lot of unpaid debts and when the sponsors knew they started pulling off their fending

"So in order to put things together again the debts need to be paid and you need to get sponsors back right ?" I asked putting my hand on my chin

Namjoon nodded and it hit me .. I know what I will do .. I have power and money now ...and I have a lot of contacts .. people I saved or saved someone of their relatives and gave me their cards or their numbers to call them when I needed to .. well it is time now

"What are you thinking about Y/N?" Jungkook grabbed my arm

"Uh what ? No nothing actually .. so tell me where are you going to stay ?" I asked

"Um.. I think in some apartment we can afford" Jimin answered

"WHAT ? no .. YOU guys are staying in my house .. There's no way 7 people could stay in a tiny apartment" I said

"And does your house fit ? It's not that big too" Hoseok asked

"Well I never had the chance to tell you but I have a new house now and I think it will fit just perfectly" I said smiling

They all nodded and followed me home in their van .. They were aloud to keep it though

I pulled over in front of the main gate and inserted the code and the gate opened

I drove a little to the front door and pulled over .. I got out off the car and turned to the boys who did the same..

They stepped out and looked at my house with their mouths and eyes wide open .. They didn't find the proper words to express their shock

I giggled and clapped twice to gain their attention .. They flinched at the sudden clap and Hoseok jumped .. I just chuckled

"Come on in guys" I said as I unlocked the door ..

The house looks even better from the inside with all the fancy decoration

"WOAAAAH Y/N this is AWSOME" Hoseok said and they all nodded with their open mouths

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