chapter 1 : shizzballz

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Unique POV

It honestly was a nice night walk , I got lost with in the starts and the moon. I felt the safest I ever felt in my entire life , kinda ironic huh considering it was a little after midnight. Especially with me, a girl wondering the streets of my city, all alone. I was so at peace with my self and I love every moment of it .
I don't understand why my mom wanted me to go out so late. When she always tell me to come home when the street lights come on. she just weird, weirder then me if that's even possible. I felt ever worry subside , shoot if this how walking feels at night then I might just make it a habit . Its so beautiful and quiet. I love it.


I followed my mate when she walk . I couldn't keep my eyes off her and her ass. It was huge and swayed every time one of her little feet hit the cement. I couldn't wait to touch it i thought to myself. The body on my little minx sure would be used against me in future arguments. I can't wait to shameless give into her every-time when they happen. I will do my best to stand my ground but I just know I will lose everytime.

I'm an alpha, and me and my wolf would be forever horny for our mate. I mean if she was your mate you would be too. She not though. she will never be any other guys mate. Because she's MINE . I will rip a guy by his limbs if he ever thought about touching her.
Just the thought of that vile scenario made a loud growl escape my lips. Next my arms were wrapped around Unique's thick torso, with my face in the crook of her neck.
Her rich strawberry sent was intoxicating , causing my wolf to purr in content. I felt her shiver under my touch and heard a little gasp . Causing me to smirk. My wolf and I where very happy. We loved that we had this type of effect on her soooo early on. She feels the mate bond and it's strong. My rank, mixed with my special breed, along the fact that I rule over all alphas. Would definitely be the cause for the intensity of the pull. It's like the mate bond is on steroids. The moon goddess wants us to mate quickly, because of how important we are to the ware-wolf community. As well as the safety for my mate. Unique is the most endangered but yet protected Luna of them all!

" your mine little kitty , I'm sorry I have to do this but your coming with me , please forgive me." the husk in my voice was really making an appearance , the effect she was having on me was just as strong, as I was on her. It was nearly unbearable . I really don't want to do this to my precious mate but its in for everyones best interest. I can't risk

I pulled out the chloroform cloth and put it over her mouth . her body lifelessly falling in to mines. I feel sooo bad no one should take their mate this way. She probably going to be so scared. However with the recent threats and how high profile I am. I had no other options. I just hope she forgives me. I make sure to amplified my tranquility powers. I told you before I'm a rare breed. People instantly relax around me. One of the many benefits and special abilities i have in order to protect my pack. As well as my entire kingdom and now little mate. My tranquility can be so strong that it can paralyze someone. Temporarily or permanently. Comes in handy. Now I would never do that to my mate,unless it was to save her. However I just use a little bit of it to put her more at ease. I want her to awaken in a peaceful state and not be scared. As well as prevent any side effects of the chloroform.

I put her gently In my black mustang and buckle her in. She has to be safe,can't have my mate flinging around in my car. I kissed her check and pushed her hair behind her ear. I took off to my house. That's attached to the pack house. While I listen so closely to her breathing. I was freaking out the whole way. What if there was to much chloroform on the cloth. What if she hates me forever. What if she thinks I'm ugly. Or she suddenly doesn't like all her favorites snacks i bought for her. I was stressing the fuck out.

When I got to my house I made sure my bata did the routine safety check around and inside it. This protocol is always done. They love to ambush alphas when they least expect it. Security is always tight even more so now,with the treats, and that I found my mate.

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