Part 1

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"So are you willing to do this job or not?", the man sitting on an armchair said. Taehyung was in a deep thought, he couldn't make up his mind about it. "Of course I'm taking this request but something feels a bit off", he said. This was the first time he hesitated while doing his job even though he had been doing it for the past 7 years. After a long pause he continued,"But it doesn't matter anyway I'm taking this request and will be done by tomorrow". The man broke into a smirk and went out of the room.

          Taehyung was assigned to kill a spy who was after his client for a few a few months. The client's data was also to be retrieved and Taehyung was the only assassin who could do the job without leaving any trace of information regarding the client or himself. He did his whole job in such a smooth and clean manner that he had never been caught once in his profession as an assassin.

           He was given input into his targets, he had to kill the spy and his wife while they were in their home, on the week the couple used to isolate from the outside world having no contact with anyone and doing their job staying inside their lodge in the mountains. This made his job easy and he was sure he could finish it in an instant.

                                                                         --- The next evening --- 

           Taehyung while sitting in the car wiped his weapons for the last time, loaded his guns and set off to do his job. It was a long walk up the mountain, he couldn't take his car up there so he had to go by foot. He gazed at the lodge that stood at the edge of a cliff on the lower part of the mountain. He had the thought of how peaceful it seemed but the peace was about to be eradicated by him. He shrugged the thought and carried on walking.

             Finally he arrived at the east side of the house. He went up to the backdoor which was locked. He took out his pick tools, put the pick and the tension wrench in, and worked through the pins until he finally unlocked the door. It was a piece of cake for him after all these years. He looked inside the kitchen and no one was there. He oiled the door with machine oil and opened the door while applying an upward force on the door , so that the door won't creek. The door to the lounge was open, through which he sprinted past.

            He already knew every detail of the house from the info he was given, he knew it as if he were raised in this house. The targets were supposed to be upstairs but he still checked the rooms on the ground floor to be cautious.

            Up the stairs he went slowly, he wasn't even a bit nervous as he had done his job in such harsher conditions and in much riskier situations that this was nothing for him. He looked from left to right at the corridor he was standing in and identified the study room in which his first and most important target was to be in. He went up to its door and put his ear against it and heard faint noises which indicated the presence of the person inside.

            Without giving another thought he burst opened the door, his dagger was in his hand at the time. He swept through the study like lightening and before the man could even yelp, Taehyung's dagger had tasted the man's blood and the man was no more.

           One target had gone down but the second one had to be eradicated too. 

           He went out of the room and made his way to the other side of the corridor. There he spotted the other room in which the spy's wife was supposed to be in. He felt a bit anxious while going on but he shrugged off the feeling. He grasped the other dagger he had just taken out and before he could even reach the doorknob the door was being opened from the other side of the room. Taehyung had to act quickly. The second the door was opened he flung over the person and in one swipe of his knife the woman had lost her life. He was in a shock himself over how his plan could have almost gone completely wrong.

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