Part 2

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            The baby drank only half of the bottle of milk and was now wide awake. He was the cutest little muffin they had ever seen. "He is so adorable I want to eat him", Tae said.To this remark Namjoon said sarcastically," Yeah sure go ahead, you already took his caretakers why don't you eat him up too". "hyung I would never ever do such a thing just look at him, isn't he just too cute", exclaimed Taehyung. "For starters he is really cute and its making my heart melt" said jin. Taehyung suddenly started making faces to make the baby smile and seeing Taehyung the baby giggled and eventually started laughing. Jin wasn't the kind to stay behind so he started playing with the baby too. While Namjoon looked at them with such a soft and loving expression.

           The baby was having the time of his life even though he was only a few months old, 7 to be precise which the boys would come to know a few months later when they went to the doctor for the baby's checkup

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           The baby was having the time of his life even though he was only a few months old, 7 to be precise which the boys would come to know a few months later when they went to the doctor for the baby's checkup. The baby was in Taehyung's apartment but Namjoon and Jin decided to stay with them because Taehyung was not really well trained to care for a baby. Jin was chosen to change the baby's diapers because Taehyung and Namjoon nearly puked trying this task.

            It was the Eighth day when Jimin another of their colleagues came from a job he had to take care of overseas. He found out that the three were at Taehyung's place and immediately went there. He went up to Taehyung's apartment and ringed the doorbell. To his surprise a wild Namjoon suddenly opened the door and said,"Oh my God Jimin please be gentle with the bell you'll wake him up and when did you get here". Jimin was concerned and asked,"Wait what's wrong with Taehyung"? "Nothing is wrong with him come in now", replied Namjoon. Jimin came inside and was thrilled to see a little baby sleeping soundly on the bed."WHOSE BABY IS THIS?OMG TAEHYUNG YOURS, WHEN DID YOU EVEN I MEAN....", Jimin cried out while covering his mouth in shock. "Quite down you idiot you're going to wake him up", snapped Jin. "And its not like how you think this isn't my baby", said tae. "Then whose is it~", whispered Jimin. "We'll explain just listen".

After telling the whole story the first qustion Jimin asked was,"So what exactly is this baby's name you three just have been calling baby isn't that weird"

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After telling the whole story the first qustion Jimin asked was,"So what exactly is this baby's name you three just have been calling baby isn't that weird". The three fell into a deep thought and looked at each other. They were so busy taking care of the baby that they even forgot what exactly to call him. Jin broke the silence and said,"Well we did not name him anything till now but one thing i know forvsure is that he shoukd be named Jin junior so that he becomes as handsome as me when he grows up".

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