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Jimin POV"

    I waited outside his office as they were analyzing the test they had run on me. My leg bounced in nervousness as my hands were supporting my head leaving me restless but unable to show it much.

I heard the click of the door as a voice rang out.

"Park Jimin." I looked up as the doctor stared straight at me, waiting for me to make a move. Doing so, I got up and walked towards him as he led us both into his office. We both sat down and I silently watched as he flipped through some papers.

I cleared my throat as I waited for him to speak once again. "Well Jimin, based on the test we've run.." the tone in his voice told me that it wasn't going to be good news "..we've found out that your condition in fact did not get better, I'm sorry to say, it got worse."

Already knowing what was to happen, nonetheless, my heart dropped at the news as everything seemed to become a little bit sad.

"Well uh, how much time do I have left?" I asked him, knowing that with my condition getting worse, I wouldn't be around for much longer.

"Jimin.." he signed out as he himself looked quite upset at the news he was about to drop. He's been my doctor for as long as I can remember even before I got sick, just for small checkups in the past. "..you have 5-6 months left to live.."

He trailed off as he spoke those last words. The news hit me quite hard as I felt myself begin to shake slightly, tears pooling in my eyes. I tried my best to hold them back as I stood up after bidding a quiet goodbye.

I then lost it and began to sob as I felt a pair of arm around me, holding me in a tight embrace as I began to sob uncontrollably. "Jimin, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything."

"You've helped me the most you can all these years, it's not your fault, so thank you." I managed to choke out so that he wouldn't feel as if he was the one responsible for my condition. Finally calming down, we let each other go as I went to the bathroom.

Locking the door behind me, I walked towards the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror above it. Looking at my complexion, I was slightly pale, not too noticeable. My eyes were slightly swollen and red from the previous events.

Sighing out I didn't appear sick physically, so that was good on my end, I guess. I finally ended up walking out of the hospital and was on my way home as thoughts filled my mind. I waited at the bus stop, looking out for the bus but once in a while getting lost in thought.

After some moments of thinking I heard and ding and felt my phone buzz as I took it out of my pocket. Looking at who could have messaged me, I smiled slightly to find out that it was Yoongi. Instead of texting I just decided to call, I wanted to be able to hear his voice as often as possible with what time I had left

    "Hey Jimin, what's up?"

(Please. Do. Not. Hate. Me. but bear through my process as an ameteur writer, but I'll get better as I go on but I hope you enjoy this book and the concept, thanks~Autumnjjk )

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