Part 1

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"Captain, are you ready for beaming up now?" Asked chief engineer Scott, who had command.

Captain Kirk replied into his communicator, "Yes, Scotty, two to beam up."

Captain Kirk and his first officer's outlines shimmered into existence aboard the transporter platform as their atoms arranged and they rematerialised.

"Thank you Mr Scott." Said Captain Kirk to his chief engineer.

"You're quite welcome, captain." Scotty replied.

"Right then, let's get going." Spock said to his captain.

As soon as they'd left Scotty wiped his brow and said to himself, "What the bloody hell's up with those two?"

Captain Kirk took his place in the captains chair on the bridge and gave his orders, "Mr Sulu, warp factor five, ahead."

Hikaru Sulu obeyed and the stars turned into streaks as the enterprise flew past.

Mr Spock got up and wandered around the bridge, leaving the chief science officer's station at the stern console. He seemed more spritely than usual and there was something in his stride, something different.

Chief engineer Scott was not the only person to notice the captain and first officer's strange behaviour. "Captain... Are you alright?" Asked lieutenant Uhura.

"Yes, lieutenant, I am quite alright. Thank you for expressing your concern, but it was quite unnecessary." The captain replied and looked sternly at his chief communications officer.

"What's up with him?" Nyota Uhura asked ensign Chekov as they periodically left beige duty for lunch.

"Vat is up vit who?" Asked the Russian.

"The captain."

"I thought you meant Mester Spock."

"Ah, him too. Both of them have been acting weird."

"Yes, not weird, but just out of zeir comfort zones." The ensign corrected her.

Uhura nodded in agreement and they both made their way to the lunch hall.

"Where's the captain?" She asked Dr Mccoy, who was walking in the opposite direction.

"He came into sickbay earlier on, complaining of a headache, so I gave him some adrenalin and ordered him to rest. He should be in his quarters now."

"Thanyou, doctor," replied uhura and she turned around, in the general direction of Kirk's quarters.

"Vhere are you going?" Ensign Chekov asked her as he hurriedly tried to catch up with her.

"I'm going to see the captain, and see what's up with him." Nyota replied to him.

"Okay, but zen I vil come vit you." Chekov said.

"Hurry up then!"

"I am. I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying."

"Bishop to B4," came Captain Kirk's voice, and he conducted the move.

"Captain?" Uhura asked over the comm. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, lieutenant, you may."

"Right," said Uhura and she entered with Chekov, after waiting for the door to slide open.

"Ensign Chekov, I did not expect you to be here as well." The captain spoke.

"Vell, here I am." Chekov said and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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