Chapter 6

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AN: whoa! thank you guys so much for 160 reads! It means a lot! thanks guys!


- Third Person-

  Max and David left the store. max still had a small smirk of happiness on his face. David smiled at Max as they headed toward the Camp Car. Max Gave David a quick hug as a thank you. But soon after Max gave a 'don't tell a soul' Glare.

  they Drove to camp as it was getting late. As they arrived It was time for the campers to get back to there tents. David sent Max to his tent and Fell asleep quickly in his cabin.

 "*Bang , Knock , BANG*" David Woke to some one at the cabins door. He got his guitar ready to wack intruders. David opened the door to a seemingly upset Max.

  " Max what are you doing up?" David bent down to Max's level. Max looking Embarrassed said.

  " I had... a n-night terror.." Max looked away.

   " I was wondering if... I could sleep in.. your cabin." David paused. As max started to walk away David motioned toward the bed.

  " Well if you think it'll help Then sure thing Max" David said in a soft tone. David layed down on the sofa in his cabin and let Max sleep in his bed.

- Max View -

  I God Damn hope this works.

 Otherwise it'll be like death knowing David saw me like that. And he offered me the bed which its pretty comfortable. Better than what I have at home.

 I close my eyes only to open them back into the world of night mares. I Walk around my house careful with each step. I step on a creaky board.

" shit " I say under my breath. I look up to see my 'Parents'. My so called 'dad' Had a beer bottle in his hand . Oh god not again. He swung at me but was stopped. I look up.

 " D-David?" Out of no were my parents disappeared and the dark room turn into the forest. Had David really saved me from my night terrors? well this sucks... I only have tomorrow till my parents either abandon me or pick me up.



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