First Date

174 11 8

TW: Homophobia

Mitch grinned as the doorbell rang at exactly eight. The nervous brunette quickly fixed his hair, hands shaking a little. It was his first date in over three years, so he was a little scared by all of it. He quickly opened the door and his breath caught as he viewed the bouquet of flowers that were handed to him. "For you," Beau blushed as Mitch murmured appreciation of the beautiful flowers. They were almost as beautiful as the man in front of him. Mitch gazed up at Beau, only to find a small spark of nervousness hidden in his eyes. Mitch relaxed slightly knowing that Beau was just as nervous as he was. "Shall we?" Beau offered his arm to Mitch, causing him to blush. "We shall," he responded taking Beau's arm.

The car ride to the small restaurant was filled with laughter and a lot of singing. By the time the two boys had reached the restaurant the awkward tension had dissolved and both men relaxed in each other's company. Once they were seated and their food had arrived Beau and Mitch continued to bond over their shared passions for music, singing, and fashion. Mitch thought that he and Beau were a match made in heaven. He reached out and held Beau's hand, earning a soft smile from the taller boy. "I'm glad we did this," Mitch spoke softly. Beau squeezed his hand and responded just as softly, "Me too." A disgusted cough caught their attention, and Mitch and Beau looked over, only to see a woman glaring at them. "Excuse me," Beau began politely, "is there a problem?" "Yes!" The woman hissed, glancing in disgust at their joined hands. "That is a sin. You two will burn in hell."

By this time Beau had had enough. He stood up, causing the woman to step back. "Excuse me?" He began coldly. "Does our relationship or the fact that we like guys pay for your bills? Does it pay for your house?" Beau asked. The woman shook her head and Beau spoke. "Then why are you so bothered by it?" A mock complentative look flitted across Beau's face. "Or is it because you're just not getting some and are throwing a hissy fit over two grown men, who get dick more than you do." Mitch was torn between not causing a bigger scene and enjoying his date obliterate the woman.

"You fa-" she began, only to be cut off by a smooth voice. "Is there a problem here?" A tall chocolate skinned man asked. "Yes, this woman won't leave my date and I alone and is harrassing us." Mitch responded. The man, who introduced himself as Kevin, escorted the lady of the premise and promised them that there meal would be half off.

The boys quickly finished eating and argued over who'd pay for their meal. After paying the boys walked under the moonlight, holding hands and giggling about everything and nothing. They returned to the car, happiness settling over both of them like a blanket. Beau drove Mitch home and walked him up the stairs. "I had a really fun time today," he said earnestly. "Me too. I really want to see where this goes, but it'll have to be slow. This is my first relationship after three years and I just..." Mitch's explaination trailed off as Beau nodded. "I'm okay with slow," he reassured the small brunnette.

He leaned in for a kiss, but was forced to stop by Mitch's hands on his chest. "Oh no," he teased, "I don't kiss on the first date." Beau nodded acceptance of the rebuke. "Well, goodnight then. Sweet dreams," and began to walk away. "Beau, wait," Mitch called after him nervously. Beau walked back to Mitch, who took a big breath before planting a small kiss on Beau's cheek. "Good night," he said before darting into his house. Beau raised his hand to the cheek Mitch had kissed before grinning goofiily and wishing Mitch sweet dreams before heading home.

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