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As soon as she touched that drawing, she found herself in a place with...flying dogs?

The flying dogs flew up to Melody the oldest and wisest dog named Molly stepped forward triumphantly. She was a boxer with reddish/brown fur with a bit of gray on it. She had white fur on her chest. She was twelve and turning thirteen this month.

"Why, hello. What makes you come here, and what is your name?" Molly said. The dogs could not only fly, they could talk.

"Hello. I came into this museum un-expectingly. All of the drawings were my drawings of my imaginations, and this was one of them. I decided to touch one of the drawings since nobody would even get mad since it was my artwork. And it sent me here. And my name is Melody." Melody said.

"Wow!" all of the dogs barked. They had never heard of something quite like this.

"Yes, this is quite extraordinary! I never expected this to happen, but here it is. Happening." Melody said in answer to the dogs excitement.

"Well, if you want to fit in with us, Melody, let's give you some wings!" said Molly.

"Really? Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to be able to fly!" said Melody

Molly pulled out a book of spells and said the spell for wings. "Sadly, I can only make them temporary for humans. But they last a full week!"

"That's totally fine! All I want to do is fly!" said Melody.

Then came her new wings.

She flew up in the air with a bit of trouble but she had faith in herself. The wings she had earned were beautiful. They had rainbow colors in pastel form and they were the kind that an eagle would have, but colorful. "This is amazing!" she yelled in excitement.

Molly was flying in the air with her gray-yet beautiful-wings. She was flying with her younger pug friend Lola.

Lola was three and turning four in October. She was little yet pretty fat. She had white fur and the cutest little face you would ever see in your life. Her wings were strong to keep her weight up, but Lola pulled off her weight like a model would with a long dress. She had white wings.

Melody went to go join Molly and Lola in their flying race. "Are you sure you can do this, Molly? You're a thirteen year old dog."

"I'm not thirteen, I'm twelve." Molly said with a wink.

Melody laughs. "Okay."

"Ready guys?" Lola says.

"Ready." Melody says.

"Ready." Molly says.

"Okay. On your mark, get set, go!"

Melody, Molly and Lola all flew as fast as they could. Molly was surprisingly in the lead, with Lola and Melody in the back.

"Wow, she's really fast for the eldest dog!" say Melody.

"Yeah, she has lots of practice and is pretty competitive when it comes to flying." says Lola "Now, let's try our very hardest to catch up to her!"

They flew even faster.

Before they knew it they were right behind Molly. Melody was not far behind Lola, and Lola was not far behind Molly. Even though Melody was losing the race, she still had tons of fun flying. Melody flew with all of her might, and soon enough, she was in front of Lola. It stayed that way until the finish line. Molly had won first, Melody had won second, and Lola had won third.

"Good race, guys!" Lola said to Molly and Melody. "Melody, are you enjoying flying?"

"Duh! This is the time of my life!" was Melody's answer. "Hey, Molly, if I suddenly appear back into the museum, will I still have my wings?"

"Yes. But they are temporary, and last for a week. Remember that." says Molly.

"Sure thing! Not to pat myself on the back, but I have got a great memory." says Melody.

"Melody, Melody! Wake up!" all the dogs started saying. "Wake up! It's time for breakfast!"

"Huh?" Melody said.

Then she woke up.

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