Chapter 6 The return.

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Time skip to when team rwby was just about to start beacon academy its right at the time with the white fang rob that dust shop where ruby is. But little did she know she would have some help this day.

Y/ns pov

I was walking down the street minding my own business when i saw roman torchwick walk into a dust shop i sigh and walk into an ally i activate my nano bots they form my blood storm armor. its been 2 years since i quit being iron man i planed on living a normal life as ceo of stark industry's. But when i quit iron man became something of a legend that was thought to be fake. i walk out of the ally only to see a white fang member being kicked out a window by a girl who my suit identify as ruby rose summers child. I walk out of the ally in my iron man suit the white fang members look at me in fear so does roman.

Y/n: Jarvis target all white fang members and activate shoulder missiles.

Jarvis: Yes sir.

The missiles open fire on the members killing 3 of them ruby looks at me in shock i smirk and walk past her.

Ruby: Y-y-your iron man..

Y/n: Clearly.

I fire a repulsor blast at roman but he moves behind cover. Just then a white fang member runs at me with his sword i turn kicking him in the gut i then summon a nano blade and stab him threw the chest. I turn around and see the white fang open fire on ruby i move in front of her my suit taking the bullets i smirk and fire a tank missile into there cover killing 2 more.

Y/n: Ruby get behind me.

Ruby: Why?!

Y/n: Do it now!

She gets behind me as the white fang open fire on me again i fire repulsor blasts at them sending them flying threw a wall. I then fly at one of the grabbing him by the neck i snap his neck i turn and fire 2 repulsor blasts at roman. but he uses his cane to grapple onto a rooftop. I sigh as 15 white fang members surround me and ruby. I turn to look at her.

Y/n: ruby get down!

She nods and gets on the ground i charge up 2 lasers and spin in circals cutting all of the white fang members in half. I turn to face ruby as i eject the 2 capsules.

Ruby: Y-y-your suits amazing.

Y/n: Yeah yeah stay here i'm going after him.

I fly off leaving ruby there i land in front of roman i fire 3 repulsor blasts at him he dodges it and opens fire with his cane. I fly up dodging his shot i then fly at him kicking him off the roof. I think its done but i hear a bullhead i turn seeing roman in a compromised bullhead.

Roman: Well iron man and red its been fun.

I turn seeing ruby there with her sniper at the ready i role my eyes at her.

Y/n: Stay out of this short stop.

Ruby: No never!

Just then i see glynda goodwitch land her riding crop at the ready. Her eyes widen when she sees me.

Y/n: You two get out of here i got this.

I use a tank missle and shoot the bullhead down i smirk under my mask i then fly over to the rubble and fish roman out. His eyes are widen in fear i then fly him back up the glynda and ruby.

Y/n: Theres your problem taken care of.

Ruby: Y-your a huntress can i have your autograph?!

Glyna looks at her she then puts her in one of her bubbles she also puts me in one of them i just let it happen.

Time skip to ozpins interrogation room still y/ns pov

I was in a dark room with ruby i sigh hearing glynda giving us both a lecture.

Glynda: Y/n how dare you just come back after 2 years?!

Y/n: Hey i wanted a normal life away from iron dick trying to steel my tech.

Glynda: He still needs your tech please just give him one iron man suit.

Y/n: No.

Glynda gets ready to use her weapon so i activate my weapons and point my repulsor at her.

Y/n: I said no iron dick would use it for his own purposes.

Glynda: How dare you point your weapons at me.

I fire a repulsor blast right next to her face. Her eyes widen in fear as she shuts up. Just then ozpin walks into the room his eyes widen in shock at me being there.

Ozpin: Y/n i thought you gave up on being iron man.

Y/n: I did but i desided to save her ass tonight.

I point to ruby who is just eating cookies i sigh and fire a repulsor blast that destroys them.

Ruby: Hey!

Ozpin: Look we could use your help y/n i want you to join beacon academy and train the young huntsmen and huntress.

Y/n: Why would i help you?

Ozpin: Please salam is coming and your the only one to have beaten roman and adam back.

Y/n: Fine but we do this my way.

Ozpin nods to this i smile as i tell my suit to go back into my blood stream ruby looks in aw i smirk at the kid.

Y/n: Names y/n stark or iron man your summer roses kid correct?

Ruby: Y-yes i am.

Y/n: heh i bet qrow taught you how to fight.

Ruby: Heh yeah.

Y/n: You know i was one of this schools greatest hell i worked with team strq alot.

Ruby: So you know my mom?!

Y/n: Yup hell they came to ask if i would go to raven and taiyangs wedding but i said no.

Ruby: Why?

Y/n: Simple raven cheated on me so i left beacon academy. Ive been living a normal life as a rich man but in secret i built 300 new suits and out of all of them mark 65 or blood storm is the best suit i have made.

Ruby: Why would raven cheat on you?

Y/n: Simple shes an asshole hell i would not be surprised if taiyang made up lies about me.

Ruby: Yeah he told yang that you cheated on her.

Ozpin: Thats untrue y/n showed proof the day he left no one ever looked at raven and taiyang the same Qrow and summer even left team strq and joined a team that y/n should know.

Y/n: Team Wsqr or team war.

Ruby: Who are they?

Y/n: Simple my best friend james roads led team war i made him the war machine armor.

Ruby: So mom and qrow left and joined up team war?

Y/n: Correct that left team strq led by raven but eventually for the 4th year qrow and summer rejoined team strq.

Ruby: I'm so sorry. I wish raven had never cheated on you because when yang meets you she will try and kill you she blames you for her mother leaving.

Y/n: Well.

I summon one of my nano blades.

Y/n: She will lose anyways ruby i will see you in advance combat class.

Ozpin: So you will join us.

I nod and walk out of the room to leave ozpin to talk with ruby more.

I summon my suit and fly off to beacon academy ready to start my new life as a teacher.

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