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Before you begin this book i would like to notify you that the story contains contents that people may not agree with and also captures insight on crimes that are related to woman and young girls, however may also occur with males as well. The contents in this book is in no way meant to be discriminatory. It is to pass on a message of just how sensitive these crimes are and how seriously they affect the world. 

Contrary to that, their are factors that i believe exist in our world that can help these victims, namely, Love.

Love is allowing someone to see your vulnerability or vulnerabilities and trusting them not to use it against you. In a world like this love is rare and only the lucky few can be treasurers to true love while others hurry and seek it. For those who least expect it, it comes and for those who seek it, it runs.

 It makes a strange sort of sense, however, that even when some do find true love, they have fought for it for so long that they turn and run instead, waiting for true love to run after them. What does it mean to truly feel a bond of love with someone? Someone who allows you to see their darkness, begs you to be careful because they don't want to hurt you but prays that you will step slightly further forward because they are one the brink of falling and that one step further of yours will give you a safe distance to catch them before they let go and give up.

 Even in the hardest times you stand with them and pray over them, you close your eyes when you hug them and feel their presence and smell their essence and with that the shortest moment in their arms can feel like the longest moment, suddenly they're etched in your mind and there's nothing that can remove that feeling you get when they are present. That to me is true love.

Find that and I promise you, love can never feel better in that persons arms.


*Writers Oblivion*

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