Car accident

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Daughter POV:
   I'm riding in the backseat with my baby sister who is falling asleep in her car seat. She's only 9 months old and will never remeber what's about to happen. My dad is driving the car and I'm drawing in my sketch book before putting in down and closing it. Something doesn't feel right. I look out the window as we are turning. We have the green light. I then see a black car, I didn't even get a good look of what style it was. This car was speeding towards us. I blink, ready to take another look, but then I'm jostled around violently. My ears start to ring, my upper right face hits something, and I lift off the seat a bit, before falling back down. I curl into a ball to keep from being injured further. I can vaguely hear the driver door slamming and my dad rushing out of the car, screaming me and Violets names. I faintly hear him open her door and get her out. I would be relieved, but I can't think straight. I hear my name through the ringing, soft and quiet, yet loud and urgent. I start whimpering, calling out to my dad. "I-Dad! Dad! I can't see! I can't move! D-dad!" He swears faintly and rushes around to my side. Luckily, when we were hit, we went flying, so my door is easy to access, alibite crushed in. He opens the door, and by that time I had gotten my bearings a bit and had unbuckled myself. Turns out, I had just forgotten to open back up my eyes, so I could still see. He helped me out and I went to the nearest wall and started sobbing. A woman came up to me and started apologising, saying that she was sorry and was glad I wasn't too hurt. I don't remeber much after that, just that my face hurt a lot. When I got home, I took a bath and looked in the mirror. I had a bad bruise on the side of my face. When I asked dad, he told me that the car had come and hit my side, more importantly, my door, and I must have hit my face on the door while we were airborne. I was never so scared in my life. Hell, I'm still crying, 2 and a half hours later.

Look, main purpose of my telling you guys this is that, if you drive, please, think of the others that are on the road with you and watch were you are going. Car accidents are scary things. Truly. Be safe guys. Please.

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