Chapter 1

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Faded Scars

Chapter 1

My birthday was two days away. Like most 15 year olds, I was excited… well a little bit anyways. Knowing my mom, she would forget my birthday like she does every year and then give me a $100 check when she finally remembers. I mean, I loved my mom, but she was not my favorite person. My dad had run off the second he found out my mom was pregnant, so I had no other choice but to stay with her. I wanted to leave so badly, but I had nowhere to go. She was never there for me. She was always off with her boyfriends, while I was stuck home, teaching myself everything. Although, I was glad that she never came around. She was abusive. Even the slightest thing would make her tick. I had scars all over me from her. I had one on my right leg from when she’d thrown a vase at me when I was seven. I had them all over my arms from the belt. I would block my face with my arms because she had beat me so badly when I was four, in the face, that I couldn’t see out of my left eye for two weeks.

            Yes, I know it’s horrible, but it made me strong.

          The front door slammed shut, snapping me out of my reverie.

          Wait for it. One. Two. Three. “Aslynn! I’m going out! Heat yourself up some dinner!” I heard my mother’s gruff voice yell. I imagined her voice would have been smooth and sweet if she hadn’t smoked cigarettes.

          “Okay!” I yelled back, not wanting to leave my room. I waited for the front door to slam again before wondering into the kitchen.

          I opened up the fridge and peered inside, scanning my options. There wasn’t much to choose from. I could either have a ham sandwich or left over spaghetti. I tapped my chin and decided on the sandwich.

          Something nudged my leg and I heard a soft whimper. I looked down to see my pit bull puppy, Jewels, staring up at me with her sweet little blue eyes. She looked from me, to the fridge, and back again. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but laugh at her cuteness. I unwrapped a piece of cheese and gave it to her. She ate it up greedily and licked her lips. I giggled and patted her head. “Save some for me.” I smiled down at her.

          I had rescued her from a dog fighting business. The people were using the puppies as bait and would let the older dogs use them as chew toys. The cops had shown up, and I wandered over to see dead puppies scattering the ring. It was one of the worst, maybe even the worst, sights I’d ever seen. I had heard a soft whine, barely audible, and walked over to the source.

I found Jewels huddled against her dead mother. Back then; she had only been a few weeks old. Now she was about four months old and full of life. She was my precious jewel. She was all white with bright blue eyes.

          After finishing up my sandwich, I headed to the front door. Jewels scratched eagerly on the door and I couldn’t help but smile at her. I reached to the right, grabbing her leash off of the coat rack. Clipping it to her collar, we strolled out of our little apartment.


          I never did like the busyness of town. There were always grumbling cars, loud people, and other kids from school that I tried to avoid as much as I could. Any chance I got, I would walk through the woods. I enjoyed it out there. It was calming and quiet.

I was never allowed near the woods as a child. My mom had caught me going in them once when I was five and went ballistic, saying how there were killer wolves in them. She showed me scars along her arm and side from a wolf attack that should’ve scared me since I was five, making me terrified of wolves, but I couldn’t help but feel a certain awe towards them. At there strength, powerfulness, and beauty. I’d only seen one or two since we’d moved to that town a couple of months ago. I had stood there in shock and awe as I watched the silvery coats of the wolves glint in the sunlight peaking through the gaps between the leaves. They hadn’t even seemed to notice me as they jumped across a creek bed and continued on.

          Jewels began to bark and wag her tail madly, making me come back to reality. I looked around, not seeing what she was barking at. Jewels continued to bark and tug at her leash. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I began to get the eerie feeling that I was being watched. I whipped around just in time to catch a glimpse of someone ducking behind a tree. I stood there, not sure of wither to run, or confront whomever it was.

          Curiosity got the best of me as I took a step in the direction of the stranger. Half of my mind screamed and told me to run, but the other half dominated telling me to keep taking step by step closer.

          Jewels growled and attempted to pull me in the opposite direction. I didn’t budge and kept my eyes locked on my target. I finally reached the tree and took a deep breath. After building up enough courage, I peered around the trunk of the tree and became glad I had let my brave half of my mind take control.

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