35) Ur Love's The Best Thing I Got So There's No Need to Run & Hide

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(Sarah pov)
My boo Pey and I are quality time with our daugther Peyrah at the park.

I'm really happy to have him in my life. I mean, He's been such blessing to me after all these year we were together.

He's more than just my boyfriend. He's my boo, my hubby, my partner, my best friend, he's like a smile on my face.

He's my sweetheart, he's the guy who loves me and will be there through my good and bad times.

He's of course my first love, the-love-of-my-life and someone I wanna continue being with for the rest of my life.

I'm pretty sure we're gonna make it last, And maybe take our relationship to the next level: Marriage!

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