Chapter 1

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My face stung where Number 230 had just punched me. Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. I took a step back before I lunged toward her right side, while my left foot knocked her feet out from under her. I was instantly on top of her with my arm against her throat. A whistle caused me to roll off her and stand up. I faced a tall evil-looking man who was taking notes of us fighting. Number 230 forced herself to her feet. I could've killed her. But I was being nice and stopped when I was told. "230... follow me." He said, this man was shorter than most but he was one you didn't want to upset. I always knew when he was becoming upset. He had a twitch in his right eye. I was trained to be observant of everything.

If you were good at fighting and winning it wasn't  too tough here, but if you lost or stepped out of line at all your life would be made a living hell. A bigger, less scary man lead me back to my cell. He was the only man at the facility that was somewhat gentle. his blue eyes showed that he knew what I was going through and he was sorry, but not sorry enough to do anything about it. I fell back on my cot and relished the cool, damp air of the basement. My ragged gray sweats and dirty white t-shirt hung off my skinny frame.

Now all I had to do today was wait for my meal, and then a couple "tests". I was about to fall asleep when my door was yanked open and I was pulled roughly from my cell. This man's grip was strong as he pulled me through the hallways and back out to the training yard. I expected him throw me in another fight but instead he pulled me through the yard and into a whole new part of the facility that I had never seen before. I was carelessly tossed to the ground as the metal door slam shut and was bolted. I was trapped in this metal confinement. Then a second door opened and a boy was dragged through. I groaned when I saw who it was. Number 102. He was 6 foot 4, and weighed 188. Pure muscle.  His blond hair fell in his eyes. I was 5 foot 4 and weighed 135. This was so not fair. For him.

He rolled his eyes when he saw me. I assumed I was supposed to fight him, so I walked towards him calmly. "I didn't know I'd be fighting a girl." He said under his breath for only me to hear. He only wanted to make me angry. I've fought him before and I actually win half the time, so we are a pretty good match. I was stopped short by a booming voice that echoed through the small yard. "You two have been chosen because of your fight records. We wish for you to evaluate your target, and then fight either until the death or until we stop you. GO!" I quickly pinpointed his main weakness. He was part blind in his right eye. I quickly darted forward and swept his right foot out and was happy as he lost balance and I slammed into his side. Before he went down he grabbed my arm and he twisted as he fell so I landed underneath him. My fist shot out and hit him square in the face. I heard the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking. I smirked. He hit me in the stomach as I tried to squirm away. I rolled away gasping for air. He sure can pack a punch.

I got back to my feet again and kicked him in the gut and twisted away from his reach. I then landed heavily on the ground, that idiot had knocked my off my feet! He landed on top of me hard knocking the breath out of me. he placed his hand on my throat and suddenly I couldn't breathe. He was bigger, heavier, and stronger. Why did I think I could win? oh yeah because I'm smarter than him. I let my body go limp, and when I felt him loosen his grip I flipped away from him. I watched him to see what his next move was going to be. he didn't move and was staring at something behind me. I whirled to see the man who brought me into the arena standing there. I said nothing. I didn't want to be whipped.

The man clapped his hands together once and nodded his head. I was roughly grabbed and I turned to see the same being done to Number 102. Two men had hold of Number 102. They dragged us out of the metal arena and towards the big research building. I would have fought to get away but where would I go? I couldn't escape. They had their guards everywhere. Plus these guards were better than me; they've all completed their training. Before we reached the building I felt a sharp sting in my arm. Then I couldn't see.

Adrian on the side ----------->

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