Chapter Five Part Four The Balmera Tunnels: Shiro

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Speeding through the tunnels you passed a few Balmerans making them abruptly stop or jump, some of them even shouted at you, flipping some off you tried to find your way to Shiro, sighing in defeat you put Allura's helmet on "Coran, are you able to find Shiro I got a bit lost here,"

"Of course, head up the current tunnel you're in then take the second left, then the first right, stick to that tunnel until you meet a three forked road, go through the, right one then he should be ahead of you,"

"Thank you," following his instructions you finally found Shiro's little car thing, it was parked on the tunnel of the wall with Shiro was sitting on top of it twiddling his thumbs as he looked down the tunnel, when you stopped next to his car he stood "there you are, come on we better start going,"

"You waited for me?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I," returning the smile you sent at him he hopped into the little car and sped off with you close behind him.

"Hey where are your shoes?"


"You don't have any shoes on, where are they?"


"It's what you put on your feet, you don't have shoes on your planet?"

"If these 'shoes' you are talking about are the things restricting your feet then yes," sticking out a foot you wriggled your toes, "honestly why would you put your feet in those things?"

"To protect your feet from sharp or any other object that could hurt your foot,"

"Your species must be very weak to wear those shoes things then,"

"Wait you're not wearing any shoes?" a confused voice that belonged to Pidge came from Allura's helmet "yes, I'm not wearing shoes what is the problem,"

"It's just strange, do you need them?"

"No and I'm guessing that my skin is a lot tougher then your species' skin, you guys are the same species right?"

"Yeah we all are, except Coran and Allura though," Shiro said as the two of you rounded a corner,

"Paladins are you there, the Galra troops are moving down the tunnels, it looks like they're going down towards the center," Allura interrupted your conversation about shoes with this new news "They must be heading to the core of the Balmera, that's where they're holding Shay,"

"An ambush, that's easy to figure out, are we going to play into it,"

"We don't have a choice if we want to save Shay, Lance, Keith get to the coar I think we're going to need everyone together to get through this firefight,"

"Copy that we're on our way," speeding up you stuck close to Shiro as his little car sped up.

Stopping at a tightening of the tunnel Shiro jumped out of his little car thing and you sent your hover board back into the bracelet, running off Shiro followed close behind you, "man you're pretty, quick pretty quick"

"Thanks," smashing your fists together a pair of gauntlets that reached up to the middle of your forearms covered your arms as the two of you entered the coar of the Balmera with no one attacking you, "Where are the Galra, if this is an ambush they should be here waiting for us," scanning the room Pidge rushed in through a door on the ledge next to the two of you and Hunk was below you next to a weird thing in the center of the room with a girl was next to him, the doors slammed behind you as Keith and Lance entered the room "not an ambush more like a trap,"

"Whatever it is keep your guard up,"

"The Galra, they gained knowledge that you would return to the Balmera,"

"How," jumping down you walked closer to the forming circle of the group

"I know not, but they set this trap just for you, I was the bait,"

"Who could of possibly known we were heading here to save Shay?"

"Rolo, those liars must of told Zarkon,"

"Who's Rolo?"

"He's part of a crew we met in an asteroid field, we went to help them repair their ship but they tricked us a stole the Blue Lion,"

"Wait we have a giant castle-ship hovering in the sky, Allura can you please come get us?"

"How do you expect her to do that genius,"

"I don't know, maybe they have teleporters or something,"

"We're quite occerpied at the moment," a crashing came over the coms, making Allura's helmet rumble your head, "we're completely surrounded by Galra ships and we're taking heavy fire,"

"Oh shit,"

"Paladins you need to get out of there as soon as you can,"

"This is it we're going to die in here, I can say bye bye to that parade," placing your hand on his head you turned it to face you "Lance come on don't be a sooky sook," pushing him away he came right back and hugged your side with tears, patting his head you sent a look of displeasure at Shiro "Don't worry Allura we'll get there as soon as we can,"

"Perhaps my people can help us get out," Shay? placed her hand on the weird thing "this is how we communicate, the Balmera sences our vibrations and sends a message to those in the tunnels,"

"Are you sure someone will be able to hear the message, we're down pretty deep,"

"The Balmera will deliver the message," putting her head down the spot around her hand stared to glow, "incredible,"

I had to make some of this up since Shiro barley appeared in this part, hope it's good enough for your entertainment, and I'm so close to getting past this bit hallelujah this means I can watch more than one episode over and over again.

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