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"But mom?!"

"No Rose! You are no longer our daughter! You lying about your cousin was dumb! To the public too! Leave!"

"Fine." I mumbled out almost crying at the fact I have to leave royalty. Royalty! For my own stuck up brother! No money, no parents, no siblings, and absolutely no cousin. Fine! I'll show them! I'll show them I can be on my own while being kind and proper then maybe I can be back home.

" wake up Ma'am. It is noon."
I looked up to find a guy in a suit.

What?! I don't remember having money for a fancy hotel neither the service?!

"Where am I sir?"

"My house."

"Ah...thanks for letting me stay I promise if you let me stay long enough I will get a paying job and pay rent."

"No need Rosie."


"I was on the plane next to you and I over heard you and my aunt talk, an-"


"Yes...and she told me to follow you. I knew she was telling the truth when I found you sleeping under a bridge."

"Ah...thanks." I mumbled.

"Want to tell me why you Cane if you barley had money...?"


"O-okay. Later. How about lunch you hungry at all?"

"Yes thank you sir."

"Just one more thing..."

I nodded at him to continue.

"My name is Damon."

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