Chapter 2

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"You failed him . . . You let him die . .".

Celestial shot up, yelling that it wasn't her fault and that Inuyasha was alive. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she tried to calm herself; she hadn't had a nightmare this bad in years. Her hand clutched her shirt tightly as she rocked back and forth, a hand gently pressed against her back. She scrambled away as she yelled.

"Leave me alone Hantengu!! I've done nothing!"

The young girl was hyperventilating as she tried to ground herself, pulling her legs up to her chest she sobbed. She knew the boy was alive, she was with him the night before. He couldn't have died overnight, they were in the same house. Strong arms pulled her into a chest, a soft voice was speaking but the words were muffled and she couldn't understand them. There was something about the voice that helped ground her. She played with the white hair that was near her face as she tried to ground herself. After a few minutes, she was back to herself but still shaken up; she was shaking as she tried to talk.


A small whimper came from her as she then went quiet again. The albino boy above her held her tight as he gently rocked her, soft coos to calm came from him. After roughly five minutes she was calm-ish, slowly eating her breakfast as she glared at the noirette across from her. Within the hour they were off through the woods, Kagome was on some sort of moving object she called a Bicycle. Celestial glared the entire time. Seemingly out of nowhere she toppled over on her "bicycle", a small boy came from the ground as he said.


Celestial laughed a bit and gently picked him up, holding him close as she softly said."I don't think you've killed her bud, she's still breathing".Inuyasha began to hold the boy by the small boy by the foxtail that came from him, five minutes of Celestial and Inuyasha bickering and the small boy was back in her arms. Inuyasha pulled Kagome up and a blush spread across their cheeks, it hurt to see someone else making him blush.

"Stop flirting and let's go".

Shoving between them she began to walk, Shippo stuck his tongue out at them as he nuzzled himself into Celestial's chest. Did you know if you hate someone enough or jealous you could unintentionally make ice daggers? Well, Celestial can. A day or so had passed and a few shards had been found. The group was staying in a village, Celestial seemed to grow attached to the children there; they seemed to be attached to her. While taking a bath a boy bent down and asked.

"Will you bear my children".

Out of disgust and fear she slapped him as she screamed, the pale-haired girl growled a bit as she got out and quickly dressed. Upon reaching the other three the boy was there again, the anger was boiling up inside her as her eyes skipped over the boy and went straight to the two flirting. Within the hour they were off again, it was early morning when they set off it was now late noon. A large boomerang sliced through the air and crashed next to Celestial who threw it back and said.

"I believe you lost this Ma'am".

After around forty-five minutes she came to realize she was attacking the wrong people and she came along with them, now with the group of five minutes of walking. After a bit the blue-eyed female let out a frustrated growled and shoved her way past everyone; the female walked for several minutes before falling onto the ground with a low growl before leaning against a tree. The pale-haired girl closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off to sleep, when she awoke a small girl's voice reached her ears. Warmth spread over her in waves as a gentle smile crossed her face, as Celestial slowly opened her eyes. She noticed the warmness was coming from the fire she was laid next to, looking around she noticed a male who looked shockingly similar to Inuyasha. She quietly watched him before being called out.

"It's impolite to stare isn't it?"

A small eye-roll came from her as she sat up yawning and stretched as she held the small blanket closer.

"Sorry, you just look a lot like a friend of mi-."


Celestial looked up as she saw Inuyasha and smiled a bit, the young girl ran into her arms as she trembled with fear. Holding her close she ignored the boy and hummed softly as she rocked her, gently playing with her hair as she softly told her she was all right. After about thirty minutes she wasn't done with the silent treatment but could feel that both boys wanted to fight, but with the girl sleeping and Celestial being in mommy mode they both knew better than to. After thanking the male and giving him her name and her getting his; she began to walk off, completely and utterly ignoring Kagome and Inuyasha. Needless to say, she was pissy about the amount of flirting that was going on between them, she didn't know why it ticked her off but it just did. Maybe it was how Kagome could bring a smile to his face and make him laugh or maybe it was how much she looked like Kikyo. Celestial would never know, or would she?

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