The new kind of hate

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It's been a day since my first vampire hunt. It was...interesting


The wind through my fur felt nice. I lifted my nose in the air and took a deep inhale. Ah, the night air smelled clean and fresh...for a minute.

A new, disgusting stink came to my nose and I gagged. The smell had a bitter sweet stench and this other smell I couldn't figure out.

"Hey guys, I think I smell vampire", I said through my head

"Embry, meet up with Y/n and help her take down the leech" Sam's commanding voice echoed

I stopped a minute to figure out where I was. I realized I was near a river of sorts, and something told me I should NEVER cross the stream to the other land. I wheeled around and immediately found the stench again. The vampire was close. Embry bounded up to me and I could clearly see the discomfort in his eyes.

"Have you seen it yet?" His asked

I shook my head and ran towards the smell. Embry's large paws hitting the ground behind me gave me a new sense of determination. Tonight was the night I was going to hunt my first vampire.

A big whoosh knocked me out of my thoughts and something ran in front of me which made me stop at  full force.

"Follow it!" Embry shouted and I ran after it as fast as I could.

I didn't hear Embry's large pawsteps so he wasn't behind me. While I was running I linked into his mind and saw him taking a different route to cut the vampire off. Smart.

The vampire came into my sight and I ran with as much force as possible. We wolves are fast so I caught up with it quickly.

The vampire was female, with red curly hair, and she was quick. A loud snarl echoed through the trees as Embry came crashing through the brush so close to her, but she quickly jumped up and landed on a high branch on the large oak tree.

The rest of the pack showed up and saw Embry's irritated expression. "I was so close! That bloodsucker always happens to get away!"

I was confused. How long have they hunted that vampire?

The red head looked at us with a smirk and hurried off. Embry growled.

"Come on, let's go home. Its past midnight" Jacob said while brushing my shoulder

Flashback end

I sighed. My first hunt and I killed nothing. Great.

"Hey Y/n. Want to go with me somewhere?" Jacob asked me

"Mm...sure? Where are we going?" I asked standing up

"I have to...take care of something." Jake said carefully. I noticed he didn't reach for his Motorcycle keys

"Hey stupid, you forgot your keys" I said rolling my eyes

Jacob smirked. "I'm not driving, stupid."

Jacob and I walked out the door and he started to jog in a certain direction. You kidding me? I followed close behind. Luckily I was a werewolf because stamina wasn't a problem.

It was about fifteen minutes and I got restless.

"Where are we going Jacob Black?" I huffed

"Here". Jacob replied standing in the middle of the road.

I gave him my 'Are you crazy!?' look and he just turned forward. I walked beside him and stared where he was staring. After seeing nothing strange, I turned to look at him.

"I don't see why we're standing in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere". I said dryly

Just then a nice looking car came into view and my eyes widened.

"Jacob, if you're commiting suicide, I'm not to blame!" I say with a shaky voice

"Shut up! Just hold on!" Jacob hissed under his breath

The car was getting closer and I noticed a male and female. The male was strikingly handsome, with his doe eyes and curved jawline. The female has chestnut brown hair with chocolate brown eyes.

I then noticed Jacob staring intently at the vehicle...or at the male. The car stopped, and I shrinked back a bit because of the bitter sweet smell coming off the car. The boy is a vampire.

Jacob walked into the forest and I followed closely behind. Because of my enhanced hearing, I could hear car doors closing and hushed talking.

Jacob stopped and turned to me. "I need you to stay behind the trees behind me. Phase if I lose control..."

I nodded unsure and and ran behind the trees. The girl and the boy reached the designated spot and faced Jacob. I couldn't really hear what they were saying.

"Alright Bella, let's go" the male vampire said with a hand on the female who was apparently called Bella. Wait Bella...that sounds familiar...

"Don't tell her what to do!" Jacob shouted before moving forward. The male pushed Jacob. Hard. I jumped out of the trees in my wolf form and snarled. Jacob also shifted in mid air before running to take the male head on.

Bella got between the two. "Stop! Just stop!" She said and said other things. Then she said something I even winced at. "I've already chose him Jacob". She said unsure and hesitant

The vampire looked at me for a minute with a curious gaze. I bared my white teeth and growled at him. Jacob backed away sadly and disappeared into the woods.

"Jacob..." The female said pitifully. I looked where Jacob went then back at the couple.

Bella was looking at me now with a waiting expression...wait. IT WAS BELLA! We used to hang out with eachother all the time! It seemed to dawn on Bella too because her expression turned to surprise.

"Y/n? Is that you?" She asked.

I backed up and nodded. I needed to find Jacob. He needed my help. I turned and ran where Jacob disappeared to. He wasn't a wolf anymore because I couldn't hear his thoughts. Jeez, what did my brother get himself in to?

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