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"Why do you hate Bella so much?" Seth asked while taking a bite out of his Beef Jerky.

I shrug. "It just seems like she's playing Jacob. Drawing him in but then hurting him and going back to the blood sucker" I say

Seth nods slowly. "I wouldn't know, I'm not around when it happens. I only met Bella yesterday at the bon fire"

"You're right" I sigh. "I just wish my brother could stop loving Bella. She's already hooked to Edward, so why keep trying?"

Seth smiled softly. "I wouldn't give up fighting for you"

I blushed. "Seth that's different, we imprinted on eachother, we actually both feel attracted to each other. Jacob didn't imprint"

Seth and I met up at the crack of dawn at this house. Sue is at my house talking with dad while Leah is studying for a test. I furrowed my eyebrows for a minute. Ever since I've been here I haven't gone to school, due to the risk of phasing and such. My dad allowed me to be homeschooled instead.

Seth's voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Where is Jake anyways?"

I growl under my breath. "With Bella"

"Oh" Seth says while looking at me sympathetically.

I shrug. "Its no big deal. Before I went to bed last night Jacob apologized to me for getting mad, and I apologized too. So we're both cool again"

Seth grinned. "Thats good" Seth paused "You know, sometimes I don't see why vampires are bad"

I looked at Seth with wide eyes.

"I mean, they're kinda like people" Seth remark

I gave him a blank expression. "Yes...people. Who kill, drink blood, have hard cold skin that freaking sparkles in the sun, and  have no heartbeat."

Seth rolled his eyes. "I mean...never mind"

I smiled teasingly. "How many times were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?"

Seth's expression turns to mock hurt. "I've never been dropped!"

I laugh and Seth started laughing too. He suddenly stops laughing and looks at me with a blank expression. I look at him back weirdly and see his face starting to get closer.

I panicked. Is Seth going to kiss me!? Everything went into slow motion, his lips inches away from mine. 4 inches...2 inches...1 inch...

Suddenly Seth pulled away with a red face. "S-Sorry! I don't know what came to me"

My face was red as well. "N-no its fine!"

Seth chuckled nervously and kissed my cheek instead. "You better go home. Its almost five"

I nod and reluctantly stand up from Seth's top porch step. "Bye Seth! See you later!"


I was sitting in the living room with my 6th bowl of cereal when Jacob walked into the house and slammed the door behind him. I glanced at him.

"If the house collapses I'm blaming it on you"

Jacob shook his head and sat down next to me on the couch. "What happened? You're back late" I ask while taking another bite of my cereal.

Jacob huffed. "Do you really want to know?"

I nod and shrug. "I have time"

Jake rolled his eyes. "I kissed Bella" my eyes narrow. "And sprained her hand...punching my face"

I stared at him before bending over with laughter.

Jacob widened his eyes. "Y/n Black! This is serious!"

I wiped the tears that threatened to spill. "No I'm sorry Jake!"

"I was dropping Bella at her house and the bloodsucker came there. Got up in my face and I nearly killed his sparkling ass if it wasn't for Charlie" Jacob continued

I chuckled.

"Oh and Bella's graduation is tomorrow" Jacob sighed

I nod thoughtfully. "She's turning into a vampire, right?"

Jacob scowled

"Like I'm going to let that happen, but Bella is having a graduation thing at the Cullen's and she invited me. Would you want to go?" Jacob asked

I frown. "Jake...not trying to start anything but you know how I feel about Bella...and vampires" I wrinkled my nose "ugh...I'll go if Quil and Embry go as well"

Jacob nodded. "Okay, go to sleep because its tomorrow night"


"Are you sure this is it?" I ask my brother while staring up unconvinced at the large house

"I'm pretty sure it is" Jacob mumbled

Embry made a face. "It must be since the vampire stench is practically killing my nose"

Quil and I chuckled and I could tell Jacob agreed silently.

We walked into the house and looked around warily. We paced up the stairs and I spotted Bella. Jacob started walking towards her, Quil and Embry followed but I stayed behind a couple paces.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked when we reached her

Jacob looked confused. "You invited me remember?"

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you" Bella replied

I looked around some more. People danced and a couple guys looked my way. Ew.

"Look Bella I'm sorry about you know...the kiss, your hand...I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing but it was just me being an ass. Really sorry" Jake apologized

"But I brought you something" Jacob said while digging into his pocket but then pulled out a wolf keychain...bracelet...thing?

"Graduation present. Made it myself." Jacob said and Bella took it

"Wow...you made this?"

Jacob nodded while smiling.

"Its really pretty. Thanks" Bella said.

I shifted my weight on the other leg, feeling a small bit uncomfortable. Bella looked past us.

"I'll be right back" Bella said walked past me to a short pixie girl who I realized from my brother's little description of the Cullens that it was Alice.

We walked towards them.

"Whats going on?" Jacob asked

I looked at Quil and Embry uncertainly and they shrugged. We followed and I listened carefully and cautiously.

"You're not going to Seattle..." Bella said

I furrowed my eyebrows. What?

Alice shook her head. "No...they're coming here"

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