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"Hey, Wake up." I curl up at the sudden voice.
"Leave me alone asshole," I say pulling my covers up. My eyes shoot open when I realize I hadn't fallen asleep in my bed, and the person in my room wasn't Mikoto.
"Fine then I guess you'll just miss-" I shoot up and when I see I'm in my bed I sigh in relief. I look at Yata annoyed and see he's in his swimming trunks and a Tee, I point but before I can say something Yata speaks rolling his eyes.
"We're going to the beach Dumbass and if you don't get up we will leave you." He storms out and slams my door, I stick my tongue out. I stand up and wobble to my bathroom, looking in the mirror. Stained last nights makeup is still on but I just shrug it off and run through my drawers till I find my swimsuit. I slip it on and put on a swimsuit cover up before laying on my bed again and groaning. I can hear small knocking on my door and I get up and open it, little Anna is staring looking at me.
"Are you ready to go? They say it's gonna be the hottest day tell winter arrives." Her voices is quiet, I nod for an answer. She drags me downstairs with a smile on her face.
"She's finally up everyone!" I rub my eyes and look around. I guess everyone was waiting on me.
"Finally lets go!" Izumo says annoyed. We began to walk out the door when I stop.
"Wait! My shoes!"
"My feet hurt!" I whine standing between Yata and Izumo.
"Will you shut it already!" Yata yells and I pout hanging my head down low. I hear the sound of skateboard wheels and perk up. It catches not only Mine but Yatas attention too, when I look at the skater there glasses land on us and they all right over. I can't feel wether it's a boy or girl because they have a beanie on and there clothes are baggy. Yata chuckles and I hit him in the arm.
"Shut up." I say under my breath, they keep their eyes on us. No one in our group is even paying attention. I catch Eric's eyes and his eyes are wide and his skin is pale like he saw a ghost. I'll ask him when we get to the beach.
After minutes of walking I hear the skates again I hear the sound of breaking glass before black smoke starts to move up around us.
"Mikoto," I hear Anna whisper and I move and grab her hand. Everyone is looking around in a stance ready to fight.
"Eric!" I turn quickly to find Kōsuke panicking. Mikoto uses his fire to attempt to move the smoke and it doesn't work.
"Gotcha!" I feel someone grab my hand, I watch as Mikoto attempts to grab me but it's too late. I'm pulled and land on top of a body. I'm thrown on the ground and look up.
"Sorry that was a little violent," I hear a girlish voice and giggle from the skater. I look over and see Eric standing up, he smiles before wrapping his arms around our kidnapper. There's a flash of fire from the black smoke, the girl grabs Eric and my hand and begins to run. Eric and I look at each other and try to stop.
"Whatare you doing!? I don't want you guys to become hostages of the red clan! Others are already after you." I look back and smile when I see members of Homra and the smoke going down.
"Where not," Eric says with a smile. She looks at him and cocks her head.
"We're members," I say quickly and she gasps. She keeps hold of our hands and slowly turns around. She begins to walk towards our group and I feel relief come over me.
"Why you little shit-"
"Yata, hold on." I see Izumo grab Yata by his Tee shirt. The girl lets go of our hands and bows.
"Please forgive me Red king, Mikoto Suoh, I miss took the situation and made it into a rescue mission." I look at Mikoto and he doesn't look amused at all. He ignores the girl and looks towards me then Eric, He looks back to me.
"Are you alright," He asks and I nod.
"She's a friend and doesn't mean harm," We all turn our heads to Eric.
"Ahh Eric You've always stood up for your little sister!" She boast grabbing his cheeks.
"S-Sister!" Yata yells and the cute girl smiles and he turns into a tomato.
"Well not by blood but we've always been close," She turns to Mikoto and Let's out a hand.
"I'm Jaci, It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Mikoto." I gasp as she takes off her glasses and reveals her beautiful light purple eyes. I remember now, She and Eric were the 'pets' at Hikawa, A strain. She was literally used as a pet, she's not like a real animal and she's saved both Eric and I numerous times threatening her powers. Being a little suspicious Mikoto grabbed my hand and dragged me while we were waking to the beach. But why am I just know remembering?

Fallen Desire {Sequel to flames with a passion, Mikoto X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now