Chapter 5

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The crowd consisted of adults and teens, no children or elders. They were positioned so the fighters were in the front and the others in the back, and of course the alpha and Luna were seated in the front and center. “Now that everyone is here you may begin.” Ryan said in a monotone voice. Ace stepped forward and nodded to Ryan. “As you all know I am the leader of team A. I have been at the camp for 15 year and I'm the oldest at the age of 35. They call me Ace but my real name is Dean. All of us have no mates, which means no strings attached. Now like the boss said and like most of you have figured out we don’t listen well to commands. We understand you don’t like how we act, or dress, or talk but we aren’t going to change that just because you want us to. There is no need to question us. We do what we do to the best of our abilities and I assure you it is done well.  Don’t underestimate us. We are deadly and could kill any of you without breaking a sweat. We don’t have rules we follow so don’t try and give us any. And whatever you do, don’t get attached to us. We leave when the mission is complete.” Ace nodded his head and stepped back. Ghost stepped up next and also bowed to Ryan. “My name is Venus but I go by Ghost. I got my nickname because I fight like a Ghost. You see me then I seem to disappear. I have been here 7 years and I'm 21. When I'm fighting don’t get in me or my twin’s way, because you will get hurt. When I zone in on a target I don’t switch easily.” And with that she flipped her hair over her shoulder and strutted back to her place in line. A few wolf whistles followed her and Ace tensed up. **So we are playing the f*ck for info card here? So everyone is fair game? ** I questioned and Ace nodded. Ghost smirked and pulled her white v neck down a little lower. I walked up next and popped my hip out more than necessary in my stance. “I'm Shay.” I greeted and remembered to keep my country twang away. “My nickname is Shadow because I’m like a shadow. You can only see me when I want you to see me. And I scare the shit out of you.” I winked and got a few whistles of my own. “I have been at this camp for 6 years now and I'm 23. My twin is Ghost and we fight pretty much the same, so don’t get in our way. Now if I don’t like you, you will know. In other words if I have the option of saving a random person or the person I don’t like, well let’s just say it’s the random person’s lucky day.” I slowly spun on my heels and sauntered back next to Ghost. Devil stepped forward and turned up his charm with his half smile. “My name is Jaxton but I go by Devil. I get that name because when I kill I like to make it long and as painful as possible. I like to hear them beg for mercy. I have been here for about 10 years. And I'm 30.” He walked back to his place in line and I let out a little giggle **Way to make it short and sweet. ** I said as he whipped his head in my direction **just how I like it** he thought back and I rolled my eyes. Tornado stepped up next and flexed his muscles a tiny bit. “I'm Sam aka tornado. I have been training for 5 years now and I'm 25. I get my nickname because I am unpredictable. You can never guess my path, but you know where I have been. I leave destruction behind me. Whatever you do, do not get on my bad side.” Tornado smirked then backed up into line. Joker went forward and my whole body went on edge. “You all know everything you need to know about me, and a little too much to. So if any of you bring up my daughter, I swear you won’t live to see another day.” He barked and I let out a growl. He shouldn’t even have the right to call her his daughter. Devil sent me a reassuring glance and I settled back down. Ryan stood up and walked towards us. He walked down the line one by one, looking into each of our eyes. Panic rose up in me and I prayed he wouldn’t see my colored contacts. Finally he got to me and I tried my best to look relaxed even though on the inside I was dying. His eyes showed no realization and I let out the breath I was holding as he moved onto Ghost. “I will see all of you later tonight at the bonfire. But right now I need all the warriors and fighters to stay please. Everyone else you are free to go.” The crowd began to talk as the fighters made their way over to us. Each one of them held lust in their eyes as they hungrily looked at me and Ghost. Someone cleared their throat and my eyes snapped over to get caught in two deep pools of dark blue. His brown shaggy hair flopped into his face and his teeth were perfect as he smiled at me. **Shay snap out of it! You can’t blow your cover! ** Ghost screamed in my head and I quickly looked away from him. “All right everyone. You all know the A team and there are so many fighters that I will just hope you all can mingle at the fire. Now if you will all excuse me Hayley is getting moody and I don’t want to get yelled at.” Ace chuckled and looked at Ryan, “Do whatever you can to stay on her good side or else you will be in for a real treat.” Ryan smiled before hurrying over to where Hayley stood impatiently. “So I guess we will be heading inside now. Me and many other wolves here have to get back to our families inside so if there is anything we need to know just let us know.” A sexy voice said and I bit my lip to suppress a moan. “That sounds fine” Ghost said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the woods. “Change now. Your wolf needs to go for a run. It’s the best way to distract yourself. You and me will take perimeter first.” I nodded my head and felt my body heat up for a split second before changing into my wolf. I shook my fur and stretched my limbs out. It felt like ages sense I had gone for a nice long run around with ghost. I looked over to see her standing and waiting for me, one paw up in the air with her head cocked to the side. **You coming? ** She asked and I trotted over to her. ** You bet! Hey ill race ya! ** I challenged and her eyes lit up. **I thought you would never ask** She sent me a wolfy smile before digger her nail into the dirt and speeding off, me not far behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2012 ⏰

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