Chapter Two

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This banner is so stunning!! I love it! Thank you so much KaiyaLove for making this for me (:

If you would like to send your banners for Faye in, my email is open!

Word Count: 1719

*Two months earlier*


"Let her in."

My assistant nods, pacing toward the door. I watch her slip out, and moments later, another figure walks in. She's all pushed back shoulders and overbearing confidence. She strides into the room, sinking into the chair in front of my desk with no grace at all.

"This is exciting," Melia says, chewing on her index fingernail. I've noticed she's always done that out of habit. "What does my Alpha need me for?"

I've known Melia since she graduated high school. She failed the standard test that requires an 80% pass rate. We can only have the most intelligent members within my Pack. Before she could be sent out of the Pack, I caught and trained her. I needed someone who could commit themselves to my venture.

I have committed myself to removing the brands from the victims of a powerful immortal named Time. With a single brand, he is able to turn innocent mortals into his slaves. He uses them to do his bidding. And I have promised I would free them.

However, there is one traveller who has escaped me multiple times.

"I'm sending you out on a mission," I inform her. Her expression startles, her eyes widening. Plenty of warriors who are trained for missions like this spend years doing so. Melia is still young. "I need you to find me a Traveller who has avoided me thus far. You're my last resort before I hunt her down myself."

"I have some questions," she says pointedly, tapping the tip of her chin. "First of all, why me?"

Turning the file I have around, I push it in front of her, flipping the top up. We both stare at the subject in the photo. Hazel eyes alight like fire, flecks like gold swimming around her pupils. Hair raven black, painted like ink curls around her neck, to her chest in thick waves. She's a born Vengeance Pack member. Her beauty is immeasurable.

But she is a criminal.

Melia stares at her for a moment, crystal eyes examining her target thoroughly. I see her mentally storing the subjects features. The curve of her brows, the angle of her hairline, the shape of her lips. She will do an excellent job in finding her.

"This is subject #062. She has been evading us for a substantial amount of time. If you find her, you will be rewarded handsomely," I tell her, pulling the case file back into my possession. "I know you will find her. I have trained you for this."


"Kezziah Elizabeth Williamson."

She nods promptly. If anyone is going to find the subject, it's Melia. I'm positive that I will not be following up on this case after she has dealt with it. That is how much faith I put in her.

And I don't have faith in anything.



"Is it seriously necessary for me to go to school?"

Avia sets down a plate in front of me. It has a single pancake on it. Something is seriously going on if she is putting this much effort into breakfast. By the look of her - hair thrown up, ingredients smeared on her clothes - she's been up early. She must have went to the store this morning to get groceries for this rather empty home.

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