Waking up

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Everything was blurry. It slowly came through. I heard heavy gunshots from a distance. I began to see Reaper sitting over me.
     "C'mon get up will ya!"
I look at him confused.
     "There were more than we thought! We gotta go!"
I stood up and ran behind Reaper through the plaza. We stopped in an alley way. I heard heavy footsteps, but we hid. I struggled to slow my breath. I looked over at Reaper. "Where is Widowmaker?"
     "We got separated. Now Overwatch is out to get us."
     "What are you talking about?"
     "They have captured almost everyone at Talon HQ. Sombra made contact saying she was the only one to male it out and would rondevou woth us soon. Unless Widow hasn't been caught we are really the only ones left."

I gasped and threw up in my mouth a bit. "Sombra told me this was a light mission!"

     "She lied. There is only one place that is safe for us now." We began sneaking through the alleys in the city to find a small brick apartment building. Reaper began going down the stairs of its basment door. He pressed a small button on the keypad. A southern ladies voice came through. "What do y'all want?"

"Hi Heather." Reaper said in a deep but soft voice.

"Seven hells! Is that you Gabriel?!"
Reaper began shushing the woman and asking for her to open the door. She kindly said yes and it unlocked. Reaper rushed me inside. The air was thick with dust. Reaper flicked a switch and some dim lights flickered on. It seemed to make the dust even thicker than before. I looked around. There were many pieces of training equipment around the room. Their was a shooting range, boxing arena, even and old box of training bots. "What is this place?"

"This is where I used to train." Reaper took out a couple of mats and blanlets from a crate and layed one out. "Get some rest. Tomorrow we need to find supplies. Theres not much here."

"I want to stay up until Sombra comes."
Reaper turned and looked down at me. "Why are you so damn stubborn?!" Reaper gasped and threw off my helmet. The cut in my head was revealed. " we need to sew that up. No wonder you're not thinking strait."

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about Sombra."

Reaper began feeling around the cut. "I'm on a com link with her. She'll be fine."

"I'm still waiting with you."
Reaper sighed loudly through his mask. "Fine."

He took out a needle and thread from his utility belt. Then gently removed his gloves to reveal two strong hands covered with scars. Tying a knot in the end of the string he grabbed my head and pierced the bottom of the cut. I winced in pain and tried to wiggle out. "Hold still!"

"It hurts!"

He stuck his thumb on my forehead and wrapped the other fingers around to the back of my head. He thrusted my head foreward into his chest. I wasn't going anywhere.

30 minutes of pain later Reaper was tying the last stich. I felt puss streaming down the side of my nose. Even as a surgeoun, it was disgusting. There was a thump at the door. Reaper opened it and Sombra rushed inside panting loudly.

"Jay, Reaper are you guys ok?"

"Yes we are fine."

"Your head mija! Where is the healing staff?"

"I lost it." I sighed looking down. If she finds out that I was messing around on the job I'll be banished from Talon! I'm supprised Reaper hasn't kicked me out yet!

"What happened out there?"Reaper turned to Sombra. He spoke in his harsh voice. "It was my fault. I got cocky and let my guard down. We would have gotten out sooner if I paid attention."
Sombra looked at him.
"I'm suprised. Gabriel, this never happens to you. Is something bothering you?"

Time To Reap (Reaper X Character)Where stories live. Discover now