Chapter 10

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~Brooklyn P.O.V.~

I had been feeling really sick lately. Not like the flu, and not like common cold, but like cramping in my lower abdomen. Anytime I would roll over to sleep on my stomach I would cramp up extremely bad.

I got up at 5:30 a.m. , Domi wanted to abort the baby today, and me and Porscha was gonna be there.

I put on a plain off the shoulder, black crop top, with white daisy dukes, and my Jordan 11 Concords. I wet my hand and ran my fingers through my hair causing it to curl up. I grabbed my ID and car keys from in the draw beside the bed. I had to move a couple of things around causing me to grunt. I took my gun and set it on the dresser next to Trell's empty gun. He used all his bullets last week when we went to the range.

I grabbed my phone and left out the house headed to Porscha's. I honked the horn and out came the girls. We headed to the hospital which was right down the street. We got there and let Dominica sign in. It didn't take as much as 5 minutes before they called us back. Dominica was talking to us about the symptoms before she found out she was pregnant and compared it to mines. Just to be sure I was gonna take a test while we were here. It didn't make sense that we were so young to be pregnant.

When the doctor came in the mood began to change. I asked him for a pregnancy test after he was done. I could see Domi's eyes light up with pure sadness. I couldn't take it so I grabbed Porscha and went out in the hallway. I heard a dispute in the room as I was walking away, probably Dominica crying. She needed privacy.

About 3 minutes later, Dominica came out, still with the tense mood. I went back in the room so I could do my pregnancy test. He asked me to provide a urine sample and so I did. He came back minutes later with results.

"So, Ms.Sanders our results came back that you.......











are pregnant." He said. He gave me prenatal vitamins, and health tips, before he walked out the room letting the door close itself. I began crying silently. There goes my future right down the drain. I refuse, and I mean refuse to abort this baby. I won't be able to attend Spelman University. There goes my future right down the drain.

~Porscha P.O.V.~

We waited until Brooklyn came out and headed to her house. We sat there and talked until she told us she was pregnant. We started comforting her but I think that probably made it worse because she began breaking down crying. Like she had tear drops on the table.

We were talking until the door opened revealing Trell. "Alright B, we're gonna go. It's gonna be fine, okay? Be strong." I told her rubbing her back.

~Trell P.O.V.~

I walked into the house and seen Brooklyn crying. The girls were there comforting her. The fuck was going on?

~Brooklyn P.O.V.~

"Trell baby, sit down. We need to talk." I said.

"Wassup?" He asked. "I'm just gonna come straight out with it... I'm p....." The word just couldn't roll off my tongue right. "I'm pregnant." I said looking down at the granite countertop. "Brooke, as much as I hate to bust your bubble. I'm not ready for a kid. We're -" He said pausing and pointing between us, "not ready for a kid."

"Brooklyn, I hate to say this but there's many options. Adoption, abor-" He started to say before I cut him off.

I started shaking my head frantically. "Don't you d-dare say that word! I won't dare kill my child! I'm not o-one of these crazy ass thots out here that fuck a-around, get pregnant, t-then kill the b-baby, like a physco! I damn sure ain't letting some stranger, get m-my child!" I semi-yelled, pointing at him, and choking on many words.

"I didn't mean it like th-" He said but I cut him off again. "NO, YOU DID MEAN IT LIKE THAT. I JUST WITNESSED, MY FUCKING SISTER, THAT I PRACTICALLY RAISED, ABORT HER GODDAMN BABY. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURT ME? THE BABY NOT EVEN MINES. BUT THAT SHIT HURT ME." I said yelling and pointing at my chest, as if my heart was in plain sight.

There was a long silence, then a knock at the door.

~Trell P.O.V.~

I went and opened the door. What I saw, didn't make me afraid, all it did was piss me off. There was Dre, holdin a semi-automatic 45 caliber pointed at the bridge of my nose.

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