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2 am, Pregnancy month 5.
I open my eyes sleepy after a peacefully sleep, i hear moaning and a bed moving. When i sit up i recognize the voice of my fiance sergey and...a woman?
I get up slowly and feel my little baby snuggling to my uterus, i stroke my tummy worried »What is happening here?« was going on in my head. I go downstairs and see Sergey and his Ex Priscilla on the couch. Naked ofc. I starre at them horrified and the view of them starts to blur from my tears, „Sergey?!", my voice was shaking. In that moment i could feel my whole world falling appart, the love of my life betrayed on me with his ex.
He looks up at me, my eyes were full of dissapointment and pain. „Susana...i...", i didn't let him go further with his words. „How could you do this to me!?" i was crying during yelling at him. He stayed as mute as a stone in that moment. So i ran upstairs and grabbed my case, with a big round tummy i start to pack my stuff. I could hear him running upstairs, thank god he wore boxers. „Where are you going Susana?" his voice was serious. „Far away from you!" i yell into his face loudly.»I am pregnant in my almost 6th month and i have no where to go« was my only thought, but i didn't care. I don't look at him and go downstairs with my case, i see her on the couch still naked. He is behind me. I look at her in the most disgusting way whilest she is smiling malefic at me, with that look i run outside and call my bestfriend Tina. »..Susana? Is everything ok?" her voice was sleepy, ofc bc i woke her up at 3 am. On the phone i am crying badly. »Tina please pick me up..I am alone on the streets «. She imidiatly tells me she is there in 5 minutes and hangs up. Sergey is starring at me from the window, it's kinda creepy but in that moment i only cared about my baby and about her happiness. I stroke my tummy upset and tear up more. I look at my tummy „Mummy promises that she will never leave you (crying whispering)«. In that moment i feel her moving in me, she snuggles even more to my uterus. I see tinas car and go imidiatly in, she looks at me woried and takes me in her arms, i cry worse than before. „Hey...Shhh..what happened my love?(worried)", i cry on her shoulder like she has never seen me before „Sergey betrayed on me with Priscilla (crying badly)". She looks down at me, „Hold on, he did what?", oh oh i know that tone of voice, she is about to kill him. I don't say a word but only nod in tears.
She drives me to hers and prepares me for bed, she is especially carefully with my tummy.I can tell she will be a wonderful aunt to my daughter.
She puts me into her bed and cuddles me tight, i stroke my tummy upset and my only thought at the moment was My baby.

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