An End or a Beginning

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Hey peoples this is my first naruto fanfiction / love story so bare with it

the pics aren't mine and naruto

belongs to masashi kishimoto

any way without further addue

the start of our story


Well here I am, to shocked to care. I can't belive I died at the ripe age of 17 me Alexa died and I haven't even graduated yet... jeez all that work and I wouldn't be able to see it pay off.

I gave a sigh and alowed my mind to driftback to this morning


I woke up and looked over at the clock 7:39am perfect.

I roll out of bed and start my daily rutine. Kiss all my naruto plushies the get breakfast.

I finish up the last bit of cereal and start to make somthing for grandma, " Hey grandma do you want an omlete or scrambled"?

" I'll have scrambled and don't forget your supose to be at the Maddisons by 10:00, oh and don't forget to get my perscription at the drug store"!

"Ok bye", and with that I pick up my stuff for my job and head out of the apartment.

(I never knew my parents but I was raised by my grandma so I take care of her and viseversa.)

I head over to the maddisons. I arive at 9:30 and knock on the door, mrs maddison answers

" Hi Mrs. M how are you doing".  she smiles and ushers me in, " I'm fine dearie but are you ok you look like your about to keal over". we both laugh and I say I'm fine.

With that out of the way she takes me in to the living room where here four "angles" Jenny, Jessy, Mitchle, and Adam are, and starts to head out the door. " I should be back around 4:00 so you can go to the park or the roller rink if you want... have fun you four and don't give Alexa a hard time k love you bye".

She leaves and for five minuets it's quiet but thaat soon ends as a pillow hits its target..... my head. Everything goes in slow motion as I turn to the children, there faces hold a mischvious glown and their eye have and impish gleam as they reach for more throw pillows.

before all hell can break loss I inturupt with " who wants to go to the park"? Their faces brighten and gain back some of that childish image they had before.

Unfortuatly before any body moves Jessy pipes up" can we go for ice cream after we go to the park"?

oooooo the I word dang it! Oh well if it will keep them quiet for a while.

I lean down and put my hand on her head, " sure doll but only if mitchell promises never to throw another pillow at me".

I look at at Mitch and he's looking really depressed but finally says, " ok I won't ever ever thow another pillow at. Now can we please.get ice cream after we go to the park".


I laugh and nod. After about 15mins we are in the car driving to the park. when we arive the kids jump out and run over to the swings and ask me to push them. After pushing, chasing and seeking with other kids, we head back to the car.

Now one thing about Jenny and Adam is that they are bug collecters and the bug that has their attention flys into the street. Adam runs after it and right into the path of a car.

Without a second thought I run after him and pull him out of the way we start to go back when another car turns the corner like a bat out of hell.

I see the car aproching unfortunatly there's no time to react. I push adam out of the way in time but its to late for me. I shut me eyes and wait for the pain.

I feel the impact but no pain, I feel myself pushed across the road but no pain ,. I see my kids crying and unknown people all around me but I can't hear. slowly darkness consumes my vision.... I know this is my end I'm just glad the kids are ok I give my last smile as every thing goes black.

xxxxxflashback endxxxxx

I give another sigh and wonder how the kids are doing now that I'm dead.

All of a sudden everthing is white and I hear a vice call my name.

" xa  .. lexa ....  Alexa" I try to find the source of the voice but can't find anything.

my nerves calm down enough to answer, " yes who's there"?

a few seconds pass before the voice replys, " Child I am Kami. and let's just say I am god,  I  have a request for you."

I pause at what the voice said but don't question it and simply say "go on".

"I have looked at your life and have judged your soul you have a pure heart and soul. Which is needed for the task that you will do. There is a child that is destined to be the savior of the world. But unfortunatly this child is not ment to have a happy life. This child will face lots of hard ships and numorous trageties. I need someone to guide him through the pain and down the right paths".

The voice pauses to make sure that I'm following and I nod to tell it to go on.

" You are the perfect person for this job. You have a mother complex that children rally behind. Will you accept this mission to be their gardian"?

I think about it for a while. I'm dead so there really isn't much of an option, take the job and live or refuse and stay dead. but who is this kid something about the way he discribed his life.... he almost sounds like Naruto.

" Before I accept, what is the child's name"?

There is no imidiate reply, a few minutes later I hear chuckling.

" You are very shrood, snother reason you are perfect for this mission. The child's name is Naruto Uzumaki".

I freeze the child who I will help is the same person as my anime hero,rolmodle, and crush this is to good to be true.

" So what do you say child will you accept my offer"?

I pause thinking over everything that has happened but I could not forget my grandma, I couldn't just abandon her.

" I will accept so long as you do somthing to help my grandma".

I hear chuckling but it soon turns into laughter.

" HAHA You surtanly are a spunky one alright I will do as you ask. And since you also have accepted my request you will be given the power over the sky you will be able to call down stars to your aid, and the ability to creat stars. Not only that but there are other things you will unlock along your journy. Also beware your abilities and purpose will make you a target for very powerful people. You must train to be able to overcome any obsticle in yours and Naruto's way. Do you understand".

"Yes Kami-sama". Hey he's my boss now might as well be respectful.

*chuckle*," Good child. Also from here on out your name shall be Kamiko which means 'Child of Kami' you will be given my mark. Now go and fulfill the mission that lies before".

As he was talking the light around me grew brighter and brighter.

Kamiko huh..... well nothing to do but live. This was supose to be the end of my story but it looks like it's just beginning.


Well how was it good. leave a coment to tell me how it was.

Also I do take suggestions.

Well this is Bijuu-lord saying Ja'ne.

vote and review;)

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