Jordan's Revenge

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                                                ~Chapter Eight-teen~

                                               ~Jordan's Revenge~

Jordan's POV

I wake up at 5:00 AM and I get dressed. I put on a white tanktop with my leather jacket over it. (It has secret pockets and stuff for weapons) Then I put on my grey skinney-jeans and my combat boots. I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. I don't bother to put make up on. I grab my phone and my giant poket knife. I hide both of them. I slip out of my room and into the kitchen. I grab some kitchen knifes and hide them in my jacket. I grab some paper and write a note to the lads. I am going to miss this place. I know I might not return. I walk out. I start walking to my house. It's all the way across town. This is why I left early. 

Louis' POV

It's like 5:30 in the morning when I wake up. I'm not even tired so I get up. I'm still stressed about yesterday. I walk into the kitchen quietly so I don't wake up anyone. I walk in and see a peice of paper on the kitchen table. I walk over and read what it says.

Dear boys,

I love you all dearly but I had to do this. I have gone out in search of my dad for revenge. I may or may not return. I love you all.


NO NO NO!!! "HARRY EDWARD STYLES GET YOUR BUTT UP!!!!" I shout running up to his room with tears in my eyes. I run into his roo  and jump on him. "GET UP NOW" I yell at him.

"What?" He asks me.

"Jordan is gone!!!" I say. He jumps of and I am still sitting on the bed.

"WHAT?!" He shouts. I hand him the note she left. He runs over to his closet to get dresses. I quickly run into my bedroom and grab some clothes. I put on a plain white tee and some jeans. Then for the first time ever I put on socks and my converse. Today is goimg to be a rough day. Harry and I go tell the rest of the boys and we head out. Nothing matters right now. All that does matter is finding Jordan. I am theone driving and I can barily focous because I'm so nervous! Thats when I swerve and then I just pull over. I rest me head on my arms that are rested on the steering wheel.

"Louis, let me drive." I hear Zayn say. I look up tears in my eyes. I nod and swith places with him.I have to climb all the way in the back.

Jordan's POV

I am at my step dad's house and it is like only seven. I walk in. No one. Strange. I walk a little further in then I feel someone grab me from behind and start to choke me.

"You wanted to run away? Did you? Oh then you came crawling back for what? HA! You don't deserve happiness. You diserve to die! But first, a little torture." He says. He stops choking me and I fall to the floor gasping for air. Why did I do this? He picks me up and brings me into a room  and drops me on the floor. I look up. NO! IT CAN'T BE!! "Oh yea... your mom kept complaining so I had to do something to stop her." He says. I just stare at her dead body laying on the floor. I feel tears in my eyes but I hold back. Not infront of him. He's not getting what he wants this time. I stand up and face him. I pull out the poket knife and awin it at him. It cuts his arm. I swi g again and I gets his cheek. I swing one more time but he grabs my wrist tight and takes the knife out of my hand. He smiles. He takes three swings at my face and one at my arm and they all hit. Then he picks me up and throws me in my old roo  and shuts the door and locks it behind him. What have I done? Now I'm just going to bleed to death.

Abouy 10 miniutues later the floor is cover in my blood and I am very dizzy and I can bearly move. All of the sudden I hear a crash and people running. Then I see the door open and I see Louis with a cut on his forhead.


**So what did you think? This was quite beutal I know and I think I need a new cover so who wants to make me one? I has to have the title and the pic has to go wih the book. Whoever makes me tje best one migjt get an apperance in my book "The Snowy Girl" Its new and I will update that one soon! Go check it out! Anyway leave a comment and vote! LUV U GUYSS!**

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