Coming Home.

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                                    ~Chapter  Three~

                                     ~Coming Home~

Liam's POV

"You're coming home with us." I say hugging my little sister as she crys on my shoulder. She looks up at me.

"No, you really don't ha-"

"Yes, I do, I'm not letting you go back there and I'm not letting you be an orphin. You are coming home with us." I interupt. She just looks at me and nods. I tell Paul to get the van so we can go home. I am going to protect Jordan from any harm at all. The van pulls up and we all jump in. She sits in between Louis and me, and Zayn is in front of her. He turns around to look at her. 

"Hey! It's gonna be alright. We will make sure nothing hurts you ever again." Zayn tells her patting her knee. She looks up at him and smiles.

"There's that beautiful smile!" I hear Louis say. I glare at him.


Jordan's POV

After a thirty minute drive of nothing but simpathy and the boys singing, we finally arrive at home. I see 4 different, giant, flats.

"So this is where you guys live? Where's the fifth house?"

"Lou and I share a house." Harry tells me. I give both Louis and Harry a funny look. We all start to get out of the car. Louis and I get out last.

"You will be staying with Louis and Harry only becasue they have three bedrooms and the rest of us only have one for some reason", Liam tells me. I smile a little and we walk inside. "I am going to go home and unpack", Liam says. The other boys do the same and Louis, Harry and I go into the flat. I walk into a very inviting sight. It's a large home. I see a balconey with a set of stairs on both sides and I see the living room and the kitchen. It's all so nice.

"You guys live here?!" I say, completely in awe.

Louis smiles and says "Yea.... You'll be taking Kevin's room scince he... FLEW AWAY!!" Louis says fake crying into Harry's sholder. He pats Louis' head. 

Later, the boys come back over and it's just when Louis and I were getting to know each other a bit better. Louis has his arm around me. We're still talking when Liam walks in the door.

"What is all this?!" Liam says walking over to us.

"We're just getting to know eachother better!" I say with my voice raised a little. "You shouldn't be freaking out over nothing!"

Liam just stares at me. I walk upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and sit on my bed.

I try not to cry. I have been through enough in my life and now I have a brother that dosn't even trust me to be around boys! Nothing is going to happen! I won't date a guy I've just met! UGHHH!!!! My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock on the door. They walk in. Oh... it's just Louis.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod and try to hold back from crying. "Look, Liam is just overly protective and he just dosn't want anything to hurt you. Okay?" I nod again and he pulls me into a hug. His hugs make me feel safe. They are so warm and welcoming. I never want to let go.

"Is everything alright up here?" I hear a voice say. I pull back from the hug and see Zayn.

"Yea..." I say. He comes over and sits by me.

"Liam said he's sorry. Okay?" He tells me and he places his warm hand on my leg. 

"Well why dosn't he say it to my face!" I say standing up. I start heading down stairs, but Louis and Zayn stop me. I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see Louis with Zayn behind him. "You need to calm down first, love." Louis tells me. He's right. I sit down on the top step and put my head in my hands. I groan. I feel Zayn's warm hands rubbing my back. Honestly, it feels really good. I see Louis sit down next to me. He puts his arm around me. Wait wait wait wait! Do they.... NOPE!!!! There is no freaking way they like me. They are just trying to comfort me. How would anyone like me? Just look at me! I'm pathetic! I have no friends and I have been abused my hole life! I just have no clue what's going on in my life right now.


Zayn's POV

Later, we started to watch movies until we all fell asleep. Jordan was the first one out. Man, she looks so peaceful. She's laying on Liam's shoulder. He's dozing off and you can tell. They really do look alike. Same brown hair, same brown eyes. She looks the same just, a lot more.... gorgous. I fall asleep thinking about her.

Louis' POV

Jordan's asleep and, man, she looks so peaceful. She's so beautiful. I wish Liam wasn't so protective, because I think I'm in love. I know I havn't known her for very long, but getting to know her has made me feel like.... I've known her forever; like I grew up with her. She just seems like the one. I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way.


** OKAY so what did you guys think? Please comment what you thought and I will update soon! Next chapter  will be out soon so keep and eye out I will try and update again soon! LOVE YOU GUYYSS!!!! **

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